
There comes a time when we all begin to feel like the world is crashing in on us.  This is typically a result of one turning against themselves, and allowing the thoughts and actions of others take hold within our own minds.  I am a staunch supporter of the theory that thoughts are things, things that can dictate and control our well being along with our actions.  As a race, we have to realize that together we can change the world.  We were not meant to fight the powers that be, rather we were meant to be the power.  When we let others speak for us, our words and wants are often taken out of context, to support the agendas of governments that are being run on greed and hypocrisy.  Color me a dreamer, but I do believe that with a shift in our own consciousness, we can overcome.


Creators take charge!

Account for these beasts

Who own the shadows we've allowed to invade

Our gentle lands.

Blocking our light,

We have let ourselves cower

Thinking we've no other choice

But to let them rule our minds.

Sharpened pencils stab our hearts

Calling our earnings their own

Feasting upon the harvest

Of those less fortunate.

Creators take charge!

This world is ours to empower!

The powers that be

We permit to be

Take back your power!

Raise your voice to be heard!

It is our truth, our dignity

That will pay the price.

You are worth

So much more than they have led you to believe

You are loved

so much more than you know!

Creators take charge!

Own your magnificent power,

Let the light they have tried to smother

Shine bright enough for all

Allow yourselves to become

The glorious gods and goddesses

You have forgotten you have always been

Throughout all our shared eternities

You are divinity manifested

Within this earthly realm

You are, within yourself

The miracle you have been waiting for.

2010 Natasha Head


Steve Isaak said…
Reads like a heartfelt cry to the Heavens (or the Hells, as I call it when I have to point at the "No solicitors" sign on my porch, ignored by invasive, door-knocking "Christians").
Excellent work!
Tashtoo said…
Thanks so much for stopping by! And taking the time to comment has me feeling tons of gratitude :) Been mired down in those same Hells way too early on Saturday mornings myself. Colour me inspired!
mark said…
Damn...good stuff here, Tash. True as well...
mark said…
Love the passion in this, a call to battle!

Well done, as always Tash...
Spiritseid said…
I love this. Empowerment in it's purest stage.

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