
I saw the raven in the sky
Against the stormy clouds
I thought it odd I heard his wings
Despite it raining loud

I saw a man dressed in black cloak
And thought it all a game
No one would wear that awful thing
No matter all the rain.

The raven kept pace with my walk
And jumped from pole to fence
Goosebumps woke up upon my arms
Despite my common sense.

Night was falling, I was alone
'Least that's what I believed
Until the man appeared again
With raven on his sleeve.

I thought I saw a welcome smile
In the shadows of his hood
I could have turned and ran away
But didn't think I should.

Held fast by his haunting gaze
Blacker than blackest night
Without a word he stole my soul
I had no plans to fight.

Melting in the twilight rain
I let Death have his way
As my essence breathed into him
I was his easy prey.

And on the pavement where I fell
My tears mixed up with rain
I welcomed him with open arms
To wash away my pain

 Only Death knew what I wanted
I had prayed the night before
And in the morning I awoke
To find his raven at my door.

And in my ear he whispered
We heard your desperate cries
And we have come as you have asked
So with me now you'll fly.

So to this world I bid farewell
I was never one of you
So with Death's raven I will fly
Till I discover life a new.
Natasha Head 2011

The Grim Reaper
By: Funerium


Brian Miller said…
whew...rather haunting when death can offer the only solution...nice rhyme scheme...hoping the coming week is not so brutal...
Tashtoo said…
Found the picture first...thought it was pretty awesome...(little bit of the old school Tashtoo breaking through!) Had to write something when I saw it!
Wow that picture really is cool, although it might make some drool.
As they stare at it's face and hear a deep bass.
Fearing what it represents, but that's just my five cents.
Anyway you went all dark and dreary, different from your usual cheery.
I'm a bit weary at you being so eerie.
Maybe the Big Boss Man should come back soon, before you turn into a psycho loon.
Just don't start writing on the walls or running naked down the halls.
If you answer voices that aren't there, you may have to say a prayer.
But I regress, because it would be my guess.
That soon you'll come back to the light and fight the good fight.
A very good read though, it even makes one think in the snow.
Wow this was a long talk, I really like to squawk.
Thanks for the Factinary praise, you deserve a raise.
So have fun selling those homes even if they have nasty garden gnomes.
Anonymous said…
The grim reaper and the walking dude...love the image and the imagery you've used in your poem Natasha. Scary stuff if dying is the only way out ...brrrr!! Chilling!
Laura said…
A very willing partner with death...beautifully written...am unusual perspective.
moondustwriter said…
I enjoyed your ballad
Death comes in many forms - I'm sure you will be glad when new life springs forth and winter dies.

Thanks for sharing with One Shot

Moonie Smiles
Anonymous said…
OK this was so much fun. I mean, I know it is a sad story, but I love the way you approached it, and it brings hope. I was hooked till the end and enjoyed the ride!
Claudia said…
smiles - you really seem to have discovered the ballad form for you...i think it suits you well and it's a great, steady form for the content you convey...shivers..
Dear Natasha

Very powerful depiction of the Death... and your words were very imaginative and true to the style... I loved your words...
'And in my ear he whispered
We heard your desperate cries
And we have come as you have asked
So with me now you'll fly.'
Thanks for sharing...

ॐ नमः शिवाय
Om Namah Shivaya
Connect with me at Twitter @VerseEveryDay
Bubba said…
Ravens always get a bad rap as harbingers of doom. (Crows must have better PR agents)

Nice One Shot, Natasha!
Dark, yes, but wonderful look at the dying that is a part of our everyday. There is always those things we let go of, our old selves so our new self can be born...which you captured beautifully at the end.
That's what I'm seeing...
hedgewitch said…
Nice use of rhyme and the ballad form, and I think the sentiment it expresses is also well worth the writing. I'm liking the raven most of all.
Dark...as i like it. A combination of profound pain, eagerness for that pain to stop and need for peace.
Maria Papadopoulou
Poetry book: From Hell With Love http://bit.ly/ic2tED Blog:http://livingwithpoetry.blogspot.com/
signed...bkm said…
A haunting wonderful write...I loved it ...the pace perfect and the way it all unfolded into the last three stanza's .....really enjoyed the read....thank you....

and I see you are from Nova Scotia the land of Sidney Crosby....I am a Penquins fantic and so too of Sidney....blessings...bkm

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