Desire Fanned

This weeks Sunday inspiration is once again brought to us by the wonderful folks at Onestop Poetry. This week they are spotlighting the art of "amateur" photographer  Fee Easton.  A quick visit to the spotlight quickly shows that this talent goes far beyond her "amateur" label.  The photo below is in the process of inspiring some fantastic writes, and I urge you to check them out, or add your own.

Desire Fanned

I used to have a dream you know,
Life, vibrant, embracing me
Urging me to live, with every ounce of being
I thought myself invincible
Existing in denial
As I took all life had to give
Spending in vein
With no regard to the consequences
My legacy, my example
Sacrificed in the name of beauty and fair trade
Conned by the executives
With no regard for me
Ad campaigns and cartoon sweetness
Denying the poison
The cost
Now they've got me
Addicted, trapped, broke and dying
And in this realization
Desire fanned
Blowing smoke, breaking mirrors
Remembering my life
Is worth fighting for.
~Natasha Head~


Anonymous said…
Mid-way through your poem took an unexpected turn into social commentary that I thought was very effective, especially given the pairing of the image and setup.
Anonymous said…
I'm in awe that you can write something that good, that swiftly. Your layering of her narrative with your commentary is extremely effective, making the reader sad, caring, and angry all at once. Your words are forceful and the point and so well chosen. I'm struck with the idea that Desire Fanned works in four way street, for her against her, for the illusion she's bought and in her anger against it. Another brilliant gem!
Unknown said…
Interesting write and it allowed me to swing through a spectrum of emotions and reflect on her, and on many things… Good poem! Thank you.
Brian Miller said…
life is worth fighting for...and it is a world so easily sucked into the way it is sold by friends, ads, movies....
Claudia said…
yep - it is worth fighting for..
loved the...Sacrificed in the name of beauty and fair trade..and we should never give up to fight for this dreams of vibrant life, embracing us
Anonymous said…
Oh yes, your worth every ounce of fight Tash! Loved your poem you made it sound like a personal battle which I really enjoyed!
Reggie said…
It's good to know that after going through "things", one can come to understand that it (life) is not over.
signed...bkm said…
Life is worth fighting for, and never should let anyone tell us otherwise....nice take...bkm
Anonymous said…
Love this one Natasha!!! I think I'm totally addicted to your posts. I can't wait to see one come be honest, its the highlight of my days!
Good one Natasha!

We need to not let the ad machine tell us how we should live, let them get us hooked. Yes, we need to fan our inner desire to live the life we were meant to live.

Thank you for sharing!

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