Triolet for Onestop Poetry

It's been a busy day indeed...Monday's always are as we strive to control the amount of paperwork that comes into the office after a busy weekend.  So with another deal in the works, and the cold providing me with somewhat of a reprieve from its abuse, I have attempted, yet again, the intimidating Triolet form, that Shan is once again hosting over at Onestop.  Should prove interesting, and as always, comments and critiques are most welcome...


Upon rich silken sheets my love does lie
Against the twilight of deep molten rain
Where my spirit finds the soul to fly
Upon rich silken sheets my love does lie
Wrapped tight in Love's sweet lullaby
Like moth is drawn to candle's flame
Upon rich silken sheets my love does lie
Against the twilight of deep molten rain

~Natasha Head~


Brian Miller said…
ooo...i like the twilight and molten rain...what a visual...and i hope your love lies and not lies...very tricky word there...
Anonymous said…
What a fantastic refrain: 'against the twilight of deep molten rain.' So many contours in that line, so many contrasts of dark and light and deep and less so. It anchors the whole poem around it as it resides in the reader's consciousness, supporting all the other lines and all the other lines espousing movement against that anchor. Absolute triolet mastery!
Unknown said…
this is truly a beautiful piece.even though it's metered,you don't feel the feel the emotion.nice.
Wow good point Brian I almost missed that
As lies and lies could go either way like my hat
I like the pic you used for this one
Just added to how well it was done
So do you lie
In the sky
Or are you a liar
With a flat tire
That should clear it up once and for all
So answer my rhyming
See I am found
But now bed ward bound
Dear Natasha

A great one Triolet and I enjoyed it very much. recently I guess thanks to Shan, I am reading lots of triolet and its increasing my interest in the form to an extent that there is a desire to write one.. may be I will do that shortly... yours was the last push towards this.. its so beautiful.
Thanks for sharing.

ॐ शांति ॐ
Om Shanti Om
May peace be... pray for People of Japan
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