The Whisper of a Dream
Even in sleep, my imagination rages, refusing to quite itself to allow me a moments reprieve from thoughts, worries, horrors and more. As a result, come morning, inspiration is provided, and I get to put pen to paper without too much difficulty. Many of these little writes are the result of simple REM and for those who enjoy, I thank you 1000x~N
The Whisper of a Dream
A moment of peace as a pause is taken
To stare through the window
Into a flawless angel sky.
The shadows of marshmallow clouds
Dance on pristine fields
Golden and growing
Our bounty for the season to come.
Out of the blue it flashes
A streaming unnamed devil
Impact imminent
As peace turns to wonder, to awe
To disbelief, to fear
A crowd gathers
And a hush fills the air
The distance great,
But still
Mother Earth tremors
As the blinding brilliance fades
And a mushroom grows
Smothering the angel sky.
The sun is outshone
As Mother folds in upon herself
Swallowing the proof of her children
A final judgement
Applied to all.
Good work!
Henry Clemmons
And my dear Natasha...
I noticed you may not have partaken of this poem I posted a couple weeks ago. one with a photo of my girl and her cousin on Crescent Beach down by the LaHave Islands! It was sunny and about 25 degrees in Bridgewater and a windy 15 degrees down at Crescent! LOVED that day. And I miss Nova Scotia a LOT.
here's the link...