Form Monday ~ The Nonet ~ Poet Blood

This week at Onestop Poetry, Corbie Sinclair is treating us to the form of Nonet, and even allowed me the opportunity to include my own attempt at this surprisingly difficult form.  Join us, won't you...and have a go!  Here's my latest!

Poet Blood

I am a poet who owns no pen
My words written in blood do bleed
Honesty, Integrity
Little pieces of me
Like tattered paper
Blowing away
On the wind


Beachanny said…
Wonderful as the screen turns to paper and the words turn to script the answers still are blowing in the wind. Sadly change is the only constant. Thank you for always being here for Form Monday, for allowing your poem as an example, for supporting the site and its writers. We value you so much! Gay
Brian Miller said…
change is in the air and is truly a ink/blood flows well tash...

hey you heard any rumors?
Louise said…
ooh..I've heard some rumours! lol Love this Natasha...little pieces of me, blowing on the wind..
Tashtoo said…
Rumours? Rumor has it you're the one I'm leaving them for.... Adele's got a great new tune about rumours. :) Oooooh, oooooh, Now I'll have that tune stuck in my head all afternoon! Thanks for the visits! Sending poetry love!
Anonymous said…
What are all these rumors about?
hedgewitch said…
You've covered so much so well here, without losing immediacy and impact. (I loved your other Nonet posted at OneStop as well.) I think we all feel a little tattered, a little bloody around the edges right now, as the law says about fugitives--we're in the wind.
Unknown said…
I can completely relate to the feeling that everything I write is not ink, but pieces of me that are scattering to the winds. Dig it! :D
Reflections said…
Powerful piece... heartfelt of so many, so many who are questioning the future plays.
Unknown said…
Very well-done, really like this a lot, love the blood/bleed play. Nice job
Anonymous said…
Our words are so much a part of our lives... often the parts we struggle with. Enjoyed your works.
Anonymous said…
nice write, poet's words are indeed special and bleed truth, to address change.

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