Form For All ~ The Ghazal ~ dVersePoets

Today at the pub, Gay has enlisted the wonderful services of John Alwyine-Mosley (aka @bookdreamer) John has presented us a wonderful introduction to the form of Ghazal, and I'm going to take a stab at it.  Anyone who has been following my blog for any amount of time, has seen me struggle with these form challenges, and I hold myself out as an example...for better or for worse, you have to try! It is with a huge thank you to dVersePoets for hosting FormForAll, and to those brave enough to try, I humbly bow! Let's get this poetry show on...

The Open Road

Where do lonely hearts meet? Upon the open road?
Down lost country lanes, upon this open road.

Where do lost lovers search, their futures yet foretold?
Upon the unforgiving asphalt, upon this open road.

What do broken hearts find when they have no hand to hold?
All but the sweetest misery upon this open road.

What burdens love's breaking shoulders with such a heavy load?
It is the weight of bleeding hearts upon this open road.

Like the gambler's keen sense of knowing when the hand has got to fold
There's no map to give direction upon this open road.

Pure true love keeps on searching down forgotten highways bold
Risking hearts to darkness upon this open road.

A memory to lovers gone, their bleeding beauty does behold
The hope of wanting stranger found upon this open road.

Soon found amongst the pavement cracked the most lyrical of odes
The song of two hearts becoming one upon this open road.

And that is my attempt at the form of Ghazal.  Hmm...let's see what you got? Bring your link over to dVerse, get a feel for the form and let us have a read!


Anonymous said…
Oh Tash this is beautiful - I love the last couplet. Everyone is doing something different here it seems to me -(but everyone but me used the repeat word(s) in the first line - I might have messed up there).I truly love this diversity and this ability to dive into deep levels of the chosen topic. It's self explicating. Isn't that sort of divine?

I think you must have to be on open roads quite a lot - out there in Nova Scotia. We, too, here in Texas. I drove 8 hours from the coast just to get 1/3 of the way across the state.

Thank you SO MUCH for your support! Gay
Unknown said…
I liked it a lot Natasha, my favorite couplet was the final closing, beautifully done! ~ Rose
ayala said…
I like it a lot, Natasha. "where do lonely hearts meet?" too many lines that I like but the ending is
Maude Lynn said…
I think that you did a fabulous job! I really enjoyed this.
This is very beautiful Natasha, I really enjoyed reading this. It would appear that Shubenacadie, NS has a delightful poet amongst them. From your neighbor in Freddy NB,

Claudia said…
oh wow tash - this looks really really good...great flow to this and the open road refrain gives the whole poem a vast and wide feeling...i like...
Hi, my feedback is based on these five factors starting from a traditional perspective.

1) Association
One of the key factors of the form - traditional or modern is that the couplets need to be based as it were on variations on a theme. And stand alone as the order should not matter. I think this poem explores different aspects but a narrative flow emerges so its not as associational as it could be
2) Theme
This is clearly about unrequited yearning,and which is well within the classical tradition
3) Couplets
You have done a nice range with no enjambment in any couplet. And they are a good meaty length.You don't mentioning the "i" or character of the narrator in the last couplet link, which is fine in the modern take of the for,
4) Rhyme and refrain
In the classical tradition, the opening couplet would set the refrain as the same in the end lines as well as establish the internal rhyme. Then in the rest of the couplets the refrain and rhyme would be on the second line. Here you have no internal chain of rhyme you do have a refai. This is fine in a modern form.
5) Metre
I don't think you have used a metre ot count as the beat varies from line, which is fine for a modern take, And it reads a at a nice jaunty pace.

In short, this is a fine exploration of an important theme and you use a mix of classical and modern features but, which need less of a narrative to be onthe money!
Pat Hatt said…
hmmmm rather interesting turn of form
A bit out of the norm
Rhymed all the while too
Except cheating with the same word over and over again but I guess that's how the form is due
Another great write
Wonderful job with the form shown at dVerse tonight
Brian Miller said…
intriuing take on the open road...a place i liked, until now, as i sounds rather lonely and pain filled...though i am glad they found love in the end...out on that unforgiving asphalt...
Uneven Stephen said…
Wow, great job with this challenging (at least to me) form! Perhaps my favorite couplet is "What do broken hearts find when they have no hand to hold?
All but the sweetest misery upon this open road." I've been trying to think of something to write all day, but have not been able to attempt the Ghazal yet.
Arron Shilling said…
Hey Tash,
Great night at the bar and i have to say you kicked this forms butt baby yeah!
Im no expert as u might see if u check my weird attempt - but i think you really caught this one well from the off. It had a great flava and felt smooth and carefully contained. A box ticker yes... but it had more than that for me...(If i may be so bold) i think its 1 of your best writes...props!
Scarlet said…
Nice share and feedback...

Best lines:
Soon found amongst the pavement cracked the most lyrical of odes
The song of two hearts becoming one upon this open road.

I will try it later ~
Henry Clemmons said…
I love me a love poem. Excellent job. Great use of the form from what I which know (which is zilch, ha) But it read great to me, and I enjoyed it very much. The open road; way kool, opens up the mind right out of the gate and then you focus in on the two hearts as one at the end. Outstanding.
Anonymous said…
As we learned from John's introduction, the ghazal is often used to express desire for the unobtainable. Your poem, Natasha, conveys that deep yearning with poignant beauty. Again, you've taken the challenge and triumphed!

Anonymous said…
I though this was a great read which I thoroughly enjoyed.
The repeating refrain of 'upon this open road' reminded me of the many paths love takes you down.
Thank you.
Unknown said…
Look at you making it look so easy! I fought my way through this one. Yours is lovely. Enjoyed every bit of it :)
hedgewitch said…
I loved it, Natasha. The feeling of running down that road which I think must be in a hundred rock n roll songs I've loved over the years, is fully realized, and the freedom and the sadness and the sense of looking are well captured. I was thinking we might see you work in a tashtoo at the end. Or at least some head over heart, but the ending was really a perfect way to stop without it. ;-)
Unknown said…
Tash, I really enjoyed the write. And as John mentioned in his comment here the form has a bunch of nuances involved, I enjoyed what you did with it, and the way you attacked your question here was really a neat take. Thanks for sharing
This is beautiful. I love the refrain of "this open road". Marvelous job!!
Anonymous said…
Soon found amongst the pavement cracked the most lyrical of odes
The song of two hearts becoming one upon this open road.

Great close on a lovely piece that reminds me much of the Aspen leaf strewn dirt road I live off of, poetically name Evening Star Lane.
Seasideauthor said…
Oh, so a happy ending alright! Like. Like Like.
Sheila said…
mmmm...two hearts becoming one upon this open road - love that last line. very soothing, the whole thing but especially the repeating refrain you chose "upon this open road."
Oh, I think you did a marvellous job! The refrain you chose really works with every verse, and gives a haunting feel which suits the theme. I love it.
Anonymous said…
Lovely poetry. I have been looking further into Ghazals, so can't really comment on the form, but the concepts and questions are so clear. I especially like:

"Like the gambler's keen sense of knowing when the hand has got to fold
There's no map to give direction upon this open road"

There is no real way of knowing when to keep going or when to quit, though more often we are compelled to keep pursuing. Good job!

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