In Tandem #7 ~ Butter Cream

This week, while reading through the fantastic linkup at dVersePoets Pub, I came upon a most uplifting write.  I was, of course, compelled to say so, and met a lovely lass who refers to herself as Jinksy, and guess what? The same wonderful image is available for all of us to write to at her blog InTandem.  After my rather dark OpenLinkNight offering, I was in need of some light, and by george, I think I've got it.  So, despite a busy schedule with articles to write and poetry to review, I'm taking a break, and enjoying this wonderful prompt. know what? You've got all week if you care to join me :)

Butter Cream

If life could be as simple
as a watercolor
bleeding through

a poorly stretched canvass
with untrained brushes
lead by untrained hands

but still beauty is what you find
despite errors
and no direction

If life could be as simple
as a birthday cake
too long in the oven

smothered in butter cream
whipped smooth and scalloped
about confetti edges

If life could be as simple
as rain on a summer afternoon
when plans were made for sunshine

but the scent entices
a smile
despite the interruption

If life could be as simple
as the poet with no muse
who still manages to weave

through words, a promise
to always lick the knife clean,
manners be damned
when its butter cream.

Image compliments of Jinksy and InTandem #7
Doesn't this image just make you feel better! :)


Fireblossom said…
Simple and sweet, and I couldn't agree more!
Brian Miller said…
always lick the knife clean...keeps you grateful you know...smiles. nice write tash...jinksy is good peeps too..
Daydreamertoo said…
Ooooo Yummyyy! Both prose and licking the knife clean *winks
Pat Hatt said…
Ewwww food from you too
This just won't do..hahaha
Very fun write
The rhymes were tight
But butter cream sounds as appetizing as glue
Guess that's just more for you
And that is a face it fact
As you fly around with your busy bee act..haha
Scarlet said…
I like the brisk and fun yet positive voice you have here... Your muse is fantastic here~
Maude Lynn said…
Yes! I lick the knife, and I still eat raw cookie dough, too!
Geoff M. Pope said…
I just finished watching Isabella and Donald in Mozart and the Whale, so I really enjoyed reading your "Butter Cream" after the credits; and I agree with Heaven (above) and especially like the third stanza:

but still beauty is what you find
despite errors
and no direction
Sheila said…
your poem made me feel better :)
hgh review said…
I am feeling so better after reading your poem.
Jinksy said…
I am delighted by this whimsical but pertinent frosting on your poetic cake! Thank you for taking tho time in your busy life to help pedal my Tandem!
siubhan said…
it is a smile-inducing piece & pic. like others here, it seems, i was most moved by the inducement to lick the knife clean! :) Thanks for sharing, and thanks to dVerse for bringing poets together!
Anonymous said…
"but the scent entices
a smile
despite the interruption"

This is what gets us through life. Beautiful piece.

~laurie kolp
SG said…
What a delicious take on the prompt! Makes me want to have a slice of cake :)
Margaret said…
...if life could be so simple,
where love (and buttercream)
cures all ailments.

I loved this!
Unknown said…
Love it .....if life could be simple ( but would we have anything to write about ? ) Love cake with butter cream too !
Anonymous said…
Mmmm... reads deeelicious!


poorly stretched canvass
with untrained brushes
lead by untrained hands..."

Dasuntoucha said…
...If life could be as simple
as the poet with no muse
who still manages to weave

through words, a promise
to always lick the knife clean,
manners be damned
when its butter cream

...indeed...yummy piece of writing :-)
Ann Grenier said…
Nothing more down to earth and sinfully delicious than old fashioned butter cream frosting...arteries be damned:-)
Doctor FTSE said…
Butter cream . . my favourite. Pass the knife!

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