The Random Unprompted Post ~ Grass Fire

It's been sometime since I blogged for blogging sake, and even longer since I took the time to write without some sort of deadline or agenda looming. I will do just that.  It's Monday, it's raining, I had to work the weekend thru, and I just wanna write ;)

Grass Fire

Grassroots ignited
leaders stand, frightened
as the masses loom up to fend

or defend as the case may be
the simplicity of you and me
human nature looms

the voice of doom
predicts demise
as foundations of democracy shake

quake upon the trading floors
the land of prosperity
shall be no more

as houses, once homes
begin to decay
Welcome to Capitalist way

Where the rich get richer
and the con man will thrive
while we are left hungry~without alibi

and if we turn to THEM
in hopes we'll survive,
than freedom means nothing

and will soon surely die.


The Silver Fox said…
A rather grim outlook, innit? Not your poem's outlook. Ours. Well said.

And I like the idea of writing for yourself, and not for a day or topic when everyone else is, too. Talent can't always be scheduled, nor should it be restrained to a schedule.
Brian Miller said…
woot. great to see you tash! and writing for writings sake though i would say for all of our sakes unless we wake up and smell the elephant dung...
Brian Miller said…
oh and fist bump to the greatness!
Unknown said…
Great write Tash. Gloomly outlook but I'd like to meet the person that could contradict your truths here. Probably one of those con-men, or perhaps a politician- sorry for the redundancy there- but yeah, nice rhyme and definitely something that is on many people's minds- Glad to read what was on yours:)
Pat Hatt said…
Yes write when you want and even if you want to taunt
Write what you want, when your muse begins to taunt
I rant and rave about whatever
Rhyming oh so clever
And isn't it fun
To not have some deadline or meme type thingy to be done
Just going out
With a shout
About such a grim outlook
Here at your nook
Soon we may be all screwed
By the rich and the rude
Now I went off the tracks
And that is simply the face it facts
The Silver Fox said…
@Fred: "Probably one of those con-men, or perhaps a politician- sorry for the redundancy there-"

"Amen" to that!
Tashtoo said…
Amen indeed...while I'm distracted by emails...the time has come poets to #OccupyTheParlour ;) Sorry....I slipped a bit on my soapbox!
Claudia said…
great write tash...and i so get what you mean by writing just because we feel we want to write...
Unknown said…
I am watching to see what will become of Occupy Wall Street. I think it's interesting that it's not being covered much. We'll see...and, you're inspiring me to write. Perhaps, I'll lock myself away for a bit this afternoon and write as I turn off email/twitter/FB, etc. lol, there's more distractions, but that's a start :) Write on!
Tashtoo said…
There are some interesting interviews beings shared that the networks are refusing to air ~ that is what I find so interesting...and it was very nice to just write...mind you, upon rereading...I'm rethinking the posting! lol My inner editor was not so on board ;)
Reflections said…
You have captured so well the thoughts of so many, downtrodden like the embers of the grass-fire. Rooted shallowly by the politics of the day.

Always good to write just for the sake of writing, not to meet a deadline or post-topic. Have been thinking that I need to get back to more of those as well.
Tashtoo said…
It's what we do best...when that urge hits and we just write...power write! Love to lose myself in the words, and am often pleasantly surprised when they sometimes make sense :)
The fire started in the grass of the power lines behind my house. On a windy day, the fire spread quickly.
Unknown said…
such a sad truth beautifully written thanks honey x x x
Becky Sain said…
I'm glad you decided to write this... very nice.
Anonymous said…
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