Sweet Michelle ~ OpenLinkNight

Okay...thank you twitterverse and @FracturedPhrase AKA Stephen Shultz for providing me the inspiration for this fierce fast write for tonight's #OpenLinkNight.  Joe Hesch  has got the stage set, and your drinks are waiting, so head on over to dVersePoets for what I am sure will be a most poetic good time!

Sweet Michelle

You would often hear the yells
That would come from Sweet Michelle
And they would make your knees go weak
As they filtered to the street

But you know better than to tell
Of this life lived by Sweet Michelle
For if her daddy could make her cry
You know he’s not the nicest guy

So up she came through this wicked life
Filled with sin, ungodly strife
But strength would win, she’d have her way
And send sweet Daddy to his grave

And though he may have been the first
He would surely not win prize for worst
Blood lust was what awoke inside
The night she made her daddy cry

To feel the power, to cause the pain
Adrenalin rushed through her brain
And like the pearl within the shell
So brought the legacy of Sweet Michelle

No man is safe who walks at night
But ego pushes away the fright
And when she stop to steal your heart
Know she means it, ribs apart

With butcher knife and Munroe mask
She is willing and up to task
She is woman, hear her roar
And watch their blood begin to pour

If only daddy could have known
Little girls need a happy home
One where body  and mind are safe
Not one where children’s hearts are raped

Revenge is sweet but death is sweeter
You will know if you get to meet her
But boy’s be careful, the angel’s fell
Witness the broken wings of Michelle

And now they’ll never again fly
She’d rather stay here and watch you die
One day she’ll wear the crown of Hell
This once lovely, this Sweet Michelle.

And as she licks the blood from knife
Her rosey lips, the smile tight
Know she has tasted what she has craved
She's found her calling, tuition waved.


Uneven Stephen said…
Ha, nice! I have to give you props for a wicked fast turnaround! Glad I could offer up a prompt of sorts. If I had to pick a favorite line, it would have to be "And when she stop to steal your heart / Know she means it, ribs apart". Awesome write.
theborgpoet said…
Such a truism. "No man is safe who walks at night
But ego pushes away the fright"

I am Borg, and well, sometimes, late at night, I too feel a little fear of what might be lurking..

Wonderful poem Natasha.Well, in a frightening blood curdling,sleep with one eye open way.
Anonymous said…
and one wonders why it all began... nice story telling
Unknown said…
Tash, great piece, great storytelling here with a rhyme scheme that puts the reader at odds, as the scheme implies one thing yet the theme inside the poem tells something completely different. Wonderful job, wonderful read, thanks
ayala said…
revenge is sweet but death is sweeter...you wrote such a great piece here.
Pat Hatt said…
Wow you sure took the inspiration and went right to hell with sweet michelle, I must tell it was qutie enjoyed at my rhyming cell. (more like work prison cell, but that's ringing a whole other bell..haha)
The rhyming and timing were great
And the Face it Facts are simple, as this could be many a fate.
Unknown said…
bloody grand poem! honest and in your face!
Daydreamertoo said…
I don't think I'd want to meet Michelle, even during the day time ... but, she has been used and abused and, hard to not see the world through anything but anger, fear and pain.
What a gripping, thought provoking read.
Anonymous said…
great narrative poem Natasha, if not a little scary...
Twisted we can become when treated so badly by those we were supposed to be able to trust.
Though me thinks this tale is embellished somewhat for the season.

These lines do well in shocking the reader. Well done.
"And when she stop to steal your heart
Know she means it, ribs apart"

Thanks for sharing this harrowing tale.
hedgewitch said…
Ah, it's that time of year--the Halloween spirit rears its nasty little orange pumpkin head. This is a scathing write, Natasha, full of (if you'll pardon the expression) killer lines--an indictment of all that makes sweet people go sour. "the night she made her daddy cry"--you had me there, and the grip just got tighter.
The Silver Fox said…
Damn! Mind-blowing! This needs to be put to music! Too bad The Cramps broke up in 2009. Having Sweet Michelle lick the blood from the knife was a beautifully twisted touch!
Brian Miller said…
holy crap...i am not leaving the house tonight...ugh what a life she must have lived and she carries her daddys legacy into each man she meets...what a sad reality of life...
Scarlet said…
I wouldn't want to meet her.. yet I pity what she has become because of what happened to her.
nice story you weaved here...
Laurie Kolp said…
Great rhyming, too... I really enjoyed reading the tale of sweet Michelle... so perfect for Halloween and it sounds like her dad got what he deserved.
Anonymous said…
Ooh, dangerous. My fav line that really hit the mark was "Not one where children’s hearts are raped." The idea of raping a heart really gets to the core of what abuse does in the end. Feelings of repulsing from the rage but at the same time a guilty sense of rah-rah for her "empowerment." Dysfunctional empowerment, but empowerment nonetheless. And what Laurie said about the Halloween thing. It would make a good horror movie.
This poem hits like a stone pitched through the window, startling and bruising in good albeit hard ways. Excellent ballad! xxxj
Unknown said…
Wow, you definitely told a scary tale. That image of her licking the bloody knife, holy cow! lol, this is a movie waiting to happen, I think :)
Anonymous said…
Oh man, now there's a wicked little piece for Shocktober...the ending should send shivers up the spine! Bravo, Natasha.
Anonymous said…
Thanks for scaring the crap outa me Michelle! Have to go down to get cat food, and bringing a knife with me. Good pre-Halloween fare here! And so well crafted! Thanks!
Unknown said…
Loved the tale ...great verse, great story thank you x
Steve King said…
And when she stop to steal your heart
Know she means it, ribs apart


You have some fantastic lines throughout this piece. I'm going to go out of my way to avoid meeting anyone named Michelle. Quite an excursion, this one!!!!
Beachanny said…
Wicked! In every sense. Awesome write, Tash. I smiled, I cowered, I loved it!
Anonymous said…
This has the bite of a true fairytale. I remember in college seeing Dolores Claiborne and being unable to sleep for three nights. I work with young women who've been abused and I agree with Joanne about the dysfunctional empowerment but I found myself empathetic all the same. Wonderful tone and frightfully powerful.
libithina said…
Wow .. Sweet Michelle sure has an axe to grind ..
and wielding it she did ~ suppose there were two paths to choose ~ and her choice empowered her ~
last line summed 'tuition' wavered . victims paying the fee ~
hopes to stay out of radar ~
great narrative Tash ~
I too felt an empathy as well as hiding behind my hand :)
Anonymous said…
Michelle sounds a bit wicked.....

Let me have her for just one eve,
I'm certain to bring her around,
for when she opens me up to see
there's simply no heart to be found.

'Cause life abstains its pleasures
for people like she and me.
We find that love only endures
in mutual misery.

Allow my charms to free her soul,
and steer her from gates of hell.
Listen closely to a dear love told
from within the heart of sweet Michelle
Anonymous said…
This mad nice scary short story. yet some parts were so sad a seemed real.
tinkwelborn said…
Yo! Bad Memories! I was married to (I wouldn't call her Sweet) Michelle!
and she did rip my ribs apart.
..but that was yesterday, now yesterday's gone..
this is a funny piece…could've been some western ballad somewhere..LOL.
Hey..I hear Helen Reddy's roar there…nice allusion.
Great story poem! a much fun read.
Ann LeFlore said…
wow the story was so well done and it was like reading a chapter in ones life that was so real
Julie said…
Truly, you've frightened me and I've gone mad with such wicked lines you've formed as in:
"To feel the power, to cause the pain
Adrenalin rushed through her brain
And like the pearl within the shell..."
Rest assured, your poetry is Art and will leave quite a legacy of your own. Thanks for sharing your sheer talent. :)
Anonymous said…
Oops! I guess what comes around goes around.
Unknown said…
Wow Tash! Just tears at the heart from beginning to end, powerfully expressed! ~ Rose
Anonymous said…
And this is what comes out of your pen fast and furious? Beware of the long polish...
beautiful, almost everyone does that,
she is simply normal, trying too hard maybe.

a powerful piece, packed with colors and flavors, well done,
Glynn said…
A dark one -- but a good one. Caught me from the beginning and wouldn't let go.

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