The Time Has Come~OpenLinkNight
I'm throwing back to an old one for this weeks OpenLinkNight. It's not something I like to do, but in my desire to write something positive and uplifting...I was given no choice. So, as Brian Miller mans the forte this week, I am going to urge you all to be the biggest and best Creators you can be. Maybe the presence that is dVersePoets should run for office. A little bit of you, a little bit of me, a world filled with light, laughter, poetry! That's my cheeseball moment for this week :) And if any are interested, we're devoting this weeks Issue of The River Journal to our voices. Our thoughts, opinions. We've already seen the news isn't interested in sharing them! So if you get a chance, drop us a line before Thursday, and we'll do our best to see your voice is shared. On that note...dear dVerse champions, I share with you...Creators
Creators take charge!
Account for these beasts
Account for these beasts
Who own the shadows we've allowed to invade
Our gentle lands.
Blocking our light,
We have let ourselves cower
Thinking we've no other choice
But to let them rule our minds.
Sharpened pencils stab our hearts
Calling our earnings their own
Feasting upon the harvest
Of those less fortunate.
Creators take charge!
This world is ours to empower!
The powers that be
We permit to be
Take back your power!
Raise your voice to be heard!
It is our truth, our dignity
That will pay the price.
You are worth
So much more than they have led you to believe
You are loved
so much more than you know!
Creators take charge!
Own your magnificent power,
Let the light they have tried to smother
Shine bright enough for all
Allow yourselves to become
The glorious gods and goddesses
You have forgotten you have always been
Throughout all our shared eternities
You are divinity manifested
Within this earthly realm
You are, within yourself
The miracle you have been waiting for.
2010 Natasha Head
I know, that's a very narrow take on it, but still, it did touch a chord!
Obviously, your poem embraced creators of all kinds, but with the "Comical Wednesday" posts I've been doing, naturally my mind is in "that place."
Going on the rhyme attack at your shack
I will give no flack
And very nice dVerse whack
So true we are our own creators and can seek
Out all we want but letting it leak
Unless you are one of Fox's screwed over comics from early days
Then those greedy mooks take all the dough and your idea no longer pays
Silver...sounds similar to many of the young musicians signed up to the contracts of the machine...imagine! I've not the room to rant on such things...that is why the Creators must take back their power. Imagine our world with without poetry, song, art, uggg!
Pat...if not for the facts, I'd never do a rhyme attack...that fault lies with you, yes it is true...and I always love when you visit my shack, and that dear readers is a just face it fact! (Note the side bar, click the link, you don't even have to think!)
As that cat does, like, all the time!
I'm trying to guess if you're brain-washed
By Pat, or if you're merely sloshed!
You know I am the champion of rhyme,
But I let the cat pretend for a time
....yup, brainwashed 100%, Even I don't drink when at work ;)
meaningful message specially these lines:
You are, within yourself
The miracle you have been waiting for.
Powerful imagery. Powerful write!
Our gentle lands."
Nice challenging, uplifting piece. A rarity in poetic form. :)
~Shawna (
Powerful stuff, Natasha.
This took me far afield.
Lady Nyo
Thanks for sharing.
may be an older piece(new to me) but the message is loud and clear and you would be the right one to lead the parade..
really enjoyed this!!!
A great anthem. We all need to become a little more self conscious of what it is we're (trying) to do--and why. This is an uplifting cheer!
And you do it with enthusiasm, which cannot help but rub off on all who read here. Thank YOU!
The miracle you have been waiting for."
I never doubted it for a single moment.;-)
Thanks for sharing your miracle Natasha. Love bathing in the illumination of your language.
wonderful! ♥
And one creator/poet has taken up the charge in a big way. The new president of Ireland is politician and a poet. He says oh his beloved Ireland and its people: 'We leave behind a narrow individualism that valued the person for what was assumed to be their accumulated wealth but neglected the connection between the person, the social, the community and the nation."
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