Grad Caps & BS

Among the standing, solid, stones
histories have been carved,
but who has weaved such lurid tales?

Raging battles across sweeping planes,
a drying scalp to mark their territory
A bounty on every head.

And we want to stand and be proud
of our forefathers?

Among the molding acoustic tiles
histories have been taught
but there is no mention of shame

as though awareness will lead
us down all the other paths
that have been laid out of convenience

for the next great war to wage
we, the willing soldiers.

I resisted their system,
defeated their rules
stuck it out to the end

And proved you don't have to swallow bullshit
to get an education.


Brian Miller said…
your voice just gets stronger the further you go...they teach the history of the winner, of course there is no shame in that...and we usually do swallow the bullshit...but not you...smiles....speak it poet...
The Silver Fox said…
We often have to look beyond our "teachers" to learn the truth. I'm sure you did so from a very early age.
Hot Rod Pics said…
I love this one. It reminds me of the African proverb, "Until Lions write their own history, the tale of the hunt will always glorify the hunter."
Pat Hatt said…
Yeah true there is a lot of bs that floats around, not just in education but it does get a good start there. Worse off we even have to buy the bs if in university,
Unknown said…
striking piece, Natasha! bullshit in education... in life period... sometimes the best teachers are you, & yourself.

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