Insanity ~ Poetics


If you knew there was an organization
that limited their membership
based on an ethical evaluation of the candidate
and this same organization
through psychiatric evaluation
chose members that lean
towards the perceived
UNethical side of the bar
would this not make you a little nervous,
especially if you were alone in a room
surrounded by these individuals?

If this same organization
held the responsibility of policing
the community you call home
from their street beats
to the highest benches
would you not have to wonder
at least a little bit
about this society
that we, as citizens,
have allowed to evolve.

Because you can't judge good
with a heart of gold
and you can't defeat bad
with forgiveness and second chances
So we've taken beasts with balls of brass
put them in uniform
and are ready to bend to their will?
Perhaps we are forgetting
that it's not just the criminal element
we look to them to control.

Let us all raise our glasses
drink the hemlock
and plead insanity as our defense.

It's Poetics at dVerse Poets and Charles Miller (@shralec) is taking us into the realm of philosophy and deep thoughts. Not sure if I accomplished my purpose with this write, as I'm racing a dying laptop due to a freak power outage...but I didn't want to miss the party!


Brian Miller said…
oh dang...well when you put it that way...maybe i am locking my door at night for the wrong reasons...smiles...but then again these are the pawns of men who ask you to vote, makes porises to get them then do what they want to appease their benefactors...oh my...smiles.
Claudia said…
ugh...sometimes when you look at things you already got used to from a different angle, you realize how insane it really is.. well played tash
RD said…
the fox has been in the hen house for quite some time...I like the intro

"if you knew" ....this offers respect to the reader instantly...makes us feel.....important

Susie Clevenger said…
We are what we have chosen to sad...great piece
Laurie Kolp said…
I think you've definitely accomplished, no skyrocketed, the challenge of philosophy and poetry, Tash! This really makes you stop and think... love the different angle you have here.
Unknown said…
You have caught the party for sure in this poem. What strikes me first of all, is how you so clearly state the argument, laying out its premises and then drawing your conclusions with such ease and natural grace. Societies can, perhaps, only exist by the threat of force. Your investigation of that idea drives mainly on the conclusion that we must ask the police to police themselves, once we've given them the power to use force in our name. The insanity comes from the idea that power can withdraw itself from its thirst for more power and do so justly. Can we expect power to confine itself to providing safety and protection from others when itself becomes the threat? that does indeed seem to be insanity.

Just a side note: this idea od insanity has become a big question. It seems that in earlier societies the insane were not as categorized and shunned as they are in more recent centuries since the Enlightement. As we move more and more towards greater regimentation of our lives in the interests of capitalist life styles, insanity becomes the variable that must be and more controlled. And the definition of what is or is not defined as sanity becomes a means of control itself.
kaykuala said…
If what is narrated is already happening I would agree. It's just a matter of degree from one country to the other.It would be cloaked under various guise but these are happening.

Maude Lynn said…
This makes its point flawlessly. Fantastic write!
Mary said…
What Mama Zen has said. Your words resonate!
Anonymous said…
"Let us all raise our glasses
drink the hemlock
and plead insanity as our defense." ... Indeed!

You raise some excellent (and scary) questions, Natasha.

P.S. Reggie finally started his new blog, so check it out when you get a chance:

hedgewitch said…
Power corrupts, and the surrender of power to others, that also corrupts. Eternal vigilance may be the price of liberty, but nobody even wants to pay in small change. Sharp and cutting, Tash.
S.E.Ingraham said…
An excellent write Natasha - you raise questions that need to be raised, hard ones.
Beautifully said!

And thanks for your fun contributions to my Limerick-Offs!
Hot Rod Pics said…
Well Done! Here's a photo to accompany it (:-)
Ginny Brannan said…
"...Perhaps we are forgetting
that it's not just the criminal element
we look to them to control."
Really great questions raised. Only thing I can say is there a both zealots and decent people found in every profession; and a small step can push either into that nether world of insanity. Love the word choices, especially last stanza.
Randy Behavior said…
Tash I'm a very nonpolitical person but this got me riled up anyway. :) Cheers!
Manicddaily said…
Hi Tash, you raise difficult issues! The only part I feel fairly sure of is the insanity. but to some degree I'm not sure that's a product of a policy, but sheer numbers. Life's grown very big and crowded in much of the world--add that to greed and parochialism (as in intense identification with one's own) and it gets to be quite difficult. K.

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