Ballad of the Narcissist

For all these worlds you have created
for all the souls you've loved and hated
Mind the carnage, littered floor
Who would think you'd be loved more?

Every prayer you ever answered
Chalked up to you, my hated cancer
Leave me now with blackened lung
Just stop your motive, target's won.

You asked me once and I delivered
then changed your mind and ego quivered
Now you tell me I was wrong
This is not a unique song!

Speak the truth the way you see it
Never mind the lies you feed it.
What ever it takes to make you okay
These bodies would have died anyway.

Here I am, I'm all for you
Slice me, dice me, do what you do.
Bake me, take me, bruise me well
and through this pen I'll live to tell.


The Silver Fox said…
If I'm ever given a chance to meet the person to whom the poem's speaker is speaking... I'll pass, thank you very much!
Hot Rod Pics said…
If I choose to take the more literal meaning over metaphor from the second verse:
"Chalked up to you, my hated cancer/
Leave me now with blackened lung,"
I can personally experience this as the swan song of a long-term tobacco smoker, just beginning to suffer that long indulgence, knowing the inevitable end. I've smoked for 39 1/2 years now, so it helps me to see it that way, I gotta quit before it kills me. I know there's other interpretations, including your personal one, but your poems always delight me in unexpected ways, Natasha, always good ways. Good job yet again, thanks for sharing. »^.,.^«
Brian Miller said…
ugh, tight write, hard subject...the guy or gal sounds like someone i would...

any the cancer line flowing into the lung, great progression in that...

i could not put up with this person lang...slay them with your pen poet
Brian Miller said…
long not lang...


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