Thank You Hemmie!

As you are no doubt aware, the publication date of Nothing Left to Lose is drawing nearer. March 16th will be the day things get underway, and before you know it, you'll be able to find me at Amazon and Barnes & Noble and from there...well, we'll see ;)

Hemmie Martin, a wonderful novelist who will be releasing The Divine Pumpkin through our mutual publisher, Winter Goose Publishing, has provided me the wonderful opportunity to steal the spotlight on her blog, if but for a short moment.

On a day that was short on smiles, long on stress, and one I was ready to file away before it even started, I was over joyed when I discovered that despite my online absence, there are some pretty amazing folks out there keeping me on your timelines.

So, Miss Hemmie, it's a bear hug for you today and for my readers...Meet Poet Natasha Head (she even called me Poet!!!!)


The Silver Fox said…
Personally, I won't be satisfied until every fan of poetry knows your name!.
Brian Miller said…
you are a poet!

Tashtoo said… are both amazing! I have to say, the tashtoo haters have you both to blame for keeping me at this! I'm putting it all on you! :) Thanks for the constant support...and in the words of MY favorite poet....smiles
Pat Hatt said…
Only 12 days, must be grand there in tashtoo land. All will know your name before you are through with this poetry game, which will never come to pass, quote my little rhyming ass..haha

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