NaPoWriMo 03.04.12 ~ I Can Change My Mind

Once again combining my commitments ;) It's not only National Poetry Month, but it's OpenLinkNight which means I get a double poetry fix. Best of all, this OpenLinkNight is being hosted by @Hedge_Witch (AKA Joy!) one of my most favorite and magical word weavers. So as we celebrate two poetic events, get your pens over to dVerse and join in!

I Can Change My Mind

Life would be perfect wouldn't it,
if I would just shut up.
Stop trashing your idea's
of perfect existence
with my own thoughts...

At one time I thought this was perfect too,
but I'm afraid I've discovered
my definition flawed...
so yeah...I changed my mind.

Perfect must allow room for all
and while I do find your cocoon
strangely inviting,
I find its restrictions alarmingly frightening.
Do you know...
you can change your mind too!

What is life if it is lived in stagnation
rather than unlimited contemplation?
Free to think and free to speak
should mean free to grow...

Yet you remain content
to be an unknowing soldier
for resisting the shift...

and I have to warn you,
unlike you
I am not afraid to change my mind.


mrs mediocrity said…
this just made me want to say "you go, girl!"

love it.
Pat Hatt said…
Change away each and every day so it does not grow stale and you can keep on spinning a tale.
Exactly! It's a good way to keep your thinking flexible! Especially if what you're getting isn't what you want, then change your mind!

Brian Miller said…
i def like the strength in your voice..a.nd i dont think a cocoon would be a fun place to be...much too restricting you know...
Unknown said…
Excellent. Excellent. Excellent. I love the strength, the determination, the unwavering-ness (yes i like to make up words) of it. LOVE it!
Claudia said…
heck yes...i hate restrictive cocoons, people that have their meaning so cemented that not a bit of fresh wind manages to breathe through..and worst part is when they try to bind others with it as well.. fine write tash
Unknown said…
Love the beat of this ....and it's not a woman prerogative to change ones mind moves on things change and so do we !thanks for sharing x
Uneven Stephen said…
Amen. I have noticed a theme in your recent work - of soldiers, battlefields, warzones, etc. I like your style with that.
Totally get you. If we didn't change our minds there would be no compromise, no balance, no shifting perspectives, And if we dint have this we would have a very black and white, conflicting, and conflicting world. Love the strength of your convictions in this piece. It SHOUTED!
Mary said…
Yes, perfect must allow room for all. A friend of mine has a saying, "Real is better than perfect." I like that. I do think people can change their minds, and we have to allow it when others do the same.
Unknown said…
Extremely empowering charge tash. Strong, strong write. Thanks
Arron Shilling said…
Who got the Power?
Tash got the Power!

Laurie Kolp said…
What is life if it is lived in stagnation
rather than unlimited contemplation?
Free to think and free to speak
should mean free to grow...

Amen!! This is so powerful!
Fickleness reigns supreme!

I certainly second that.
Love the cocoon, so cosy and so restrictive. I can see all those spiders weaving it tighter and tighter, in white thread of course. Pristine,pure and suffocating.
Wolfsrosebud said…
the mind of a woman... great expression... change so hard at times
Strong write--and I feel that strength has been a theme lately--I love it in your writing--
Anonymous said…
Like. :)
Kerry O'Connor said…
Cocoons may seem comfortable resting places until; they change into prison cells. This is an anthem for free thinkers the world over.
Anonymous said…
It's your perogative! I love your style, say it, mean it, then change your mind:)
marousia said…
Strong, vivid words
Anonymous said…
i wish you had a recording because it would be interesting to hear your tone when you read that last line

pportunity on mars
Daydreamertoo said…
We say .... Yeah! Yeah yeah... and as (most) of the world knows, it's a woman's prerogative to changer her mind..hell yeah.... You go girl :))
Adura Ojo said…
The mind is a great instrument to change if need be. We are adaptable, changeable, that's part of life's journey. I've often felt that one of the worst tragedies of human existence is that we resist change when we absolutely need it for our growth. We hold ourselves back when it's really time to move.

I just finished watching a documentary on TV about a young woman of 20 who has a boyfriend that's a serial offender. He's 25 and has been in and out of prison since he was 15. They've been together for four years. Each time he's out of prison she harbours the hope of him turning a new leaf - She's basically put her life on hold for him. One day she will wake up when she's 40 and realize it isn't happening. Then she'll decide it is too late to change her mind.

It was just sad and depressing to watch. Sorry for the long comment, Natasha, and Thanks for sharing.
Anonymous said…
Feeling this one Tash. People want to hold us where they've placed us but people change and mutate overtime... become butterflies even.
Anonymous said…
Oops! The "you" in this poem better shape up! Or open up! That may be a better way to put it! Rousing. K.
My first reaction to this is "Oh hell yeah!!" It's our ability to change our minds that feeds our ability to grow.
Anonymous said…
Oh, I never change my mind :).
henry clemmons said…
Did you compare notes with someone and write this on purpose knowing I would read it and say to myself, "Now I've heard that twice today." You don't plan on flying to Brussels do you? Hope you stay in Canada. Great words, not that they apply to me, but a superb poem. Always enjoy my visit here.
Unknown said…
I liek this, I think, yes, no , ummm yeah I like it.... well I can change my mind too :P
Brendan said…
You raise the mighty question of why it's so damn hard to change something as malleable as one's own mind. People would rather die than change a hellbent set, or live in "narrow heated rooms of tiny metaphors" (Rilke) than go out and smell the wild roses. Getting someone to change their mind is like leading a horse to water to drink -- won't happen unless they choose to. Until then, their loss, and a sadly collective one. Very rare to do the obvious and go through life opening all its doors. Poets fade to black without change. - Brendan
ayala said…
Love this, a strong and honest write.
Semaphore said…
Having been through one NaPoWriMo, I can only tip my hat at you brave adventurers. But you continue to have a consistent voice here, and as someone else said: "You go girl!"
Unknown said…
We must always remain open to the awareness that the truth is not absolutely fixed at one point but constantly changing and seeking a new home in our hearts and minds. You remind us that constant vigilance to truth saves us from becoming selves. Poetry is a way to remain open to the truth of reality and its power to change into what it is must become to be true to ourselves.
jackie dick said…
You give us all the courage to change our minds and speak our piece, Tash. Yeah, sometimes, we need the cocoon, but you're so right...we also need to get out there and let it all hang out. So go, girl...change your mind!
James Rainsford said…
Changing one's mind is a woman's prerogative, so it's been said.
You go for it girl. Keep us all on our toes. ;-)) Great write.
Steve King said…
Strong, focused and right on. Terrific observations here. And done in a polished poetic manner. Very nice work.
Anonymous said…
What is lovely in this is the fact that its not just one person who can change their mind but the other/s.
A strong and powerful poem that gives the reader strength too! xoxo

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