NaPoWriMo ~ 13.04.2012 ~ Friday the 13th

I will not be held to superstition
I will set out with strength
with determination
in the face of hockey masks
invincible against machete
but dreading
the black cat
who risks crossing my path.

Happy Friday the 13th Good readers! I'm road tripping today...enjoy your weekend...if you survive today! ;)


Brian Miller said…
aww the black cat, nothing to fear, just be sure to give her a scrath behind the ear and keep a treat in your pocket...
Unknown said…
wow, if this doesn't describe how out of it I am I don't think anything can- until I read your poem today I honestly had no awareness that it was indeed Friday The 13th lol Great write, thanks
Gloria Baker said…
Thanks Natasha but at the moment dont have problemI love black cats!
have a nice weekend!
k~ said…
An interesting poem to absorb, I read it a few times:-)
t said…
It's Saturday, and I'm still breathing. Made it!

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