NaPoWriMo ~ 16.04.12 ~ Better Things

There are better things I could be doing...
Should probably think about filing my taxes
Cleaning my kitchen
making my bed
there are better things I could be doing...

There are more important things I could be doing
Phone calls that need returning
deadlines that need met
Hell yes,
there are much more important things I could be doing

but you know what,

Numero Uno on top of both those lists
Is taking care of me.


Brian Miller said…
and that...

is the way it should be...smiles...cause all the rest would just come out bad if you didnt anyway...smiles.
Unknown said…
Definitely the truth if I ever heard it. Amen to that, Tash.
Good for you! And thank you for the reminder! ;-)
Lance said…
Looking out for number one ks a state of mind and the right way of life.

Now go clean something, lazy bones (joking)
Timoteo said…
From the looks of it, you've done a good job!

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