NaPoWriMo~04.04.12~ No Vacancy

Never thought I would make such a statement
in regards to my head space
but I swear to god
I'm out of room!

A walking, talking
No Vacancy sign
blinking to the high heavens
yet they insist on squeezing in.

Each and every voice
demanding to be treated
like they're the only one
lost its definition weeks ago.
It disappeared
not long after my own voice...


Brian Miller said…
the last bit is the scariest part for me...and that is losing ones voice...when that happens, what is left...throw off whats holding you down and let it fly...
Unknown said…
totally feel ya here. Been there all the time. The fighting for space and attention is particularly resonating for me. Great piece Tash. Thanks
mrs mediocrity said…
oh, i know this feeling. and these days, it happens more and more...
some days, i crave nothing more than silence.
if only so that i can listen for the voices in my head...
scary and yet I can identify. The scariness is probably well known to people who create anything.

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