NaPoWriMo~15.04.12~Chase the Devil

go ballistic
this world is not for you

Great dictator
total hater
your followers are few

Demand they stand
at your right hand
knowing that they will

For fear you'll take
the hands of fate
and cause their blood to spill.

So spin the world
on dancing thumb
and snap your fingers loud

Then spin your girl
for hefty sums
when it comes to're not proud

Rock the globe
that thrives inside
your spoiled, rotten, fucked up mind
Ignore the bodies
at road side,
the ones who helped, the ones who died
the ones who counted tears you cried
and lined up to provide your alibi

All for you
It was ALL for you
Now days are numbered
your friends now few
...what did you expect us to do

when we ran out of blood for you?


Brian Miller said…
yikes....def got to watch out for the leaches that will suck you dry then spit you the strong voice once more in this tash...think that is when i love your work the best....with punch
Maude Lynn said…
This has some serious power! Love this!
Lance said…
muscular, hard, deep, and written with such passion that I'm rereading it again.

I loved it.
Unknown said…
Awesome piece. Love the voice and tone here. The rhyme is perfect and love how it builds. Extremely strong piece that would be easily as great if sung. I can totally hear the metal accompanying these lyrics. Sweet write. Thanks
Anonymous said…
Lean and spitting, this is powerful, pointed, and aggressive. The "Great dictator/total hater" could be so many people, but in reading this I see (perhaps imagined) allusions to the villain in the Crimson Knight. In any case, this electric read serves as both an indictment and a wake up call for those who might get trapped in following. Thank you for this alarm, Natasha.

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