NaPoWriMo~Miscommunicated~ 29.04.12

Why bother with small talk and innuendo?
Your intent is obvious
in your blatant questioning.

Still you insist on dancing,
waltzing in shadows
always so willing to take
but you give.

Do you think so little of me?
Is THAT the impression I've given?
Fool...your wet dream is of no consequence to me!

Desperation oozes from your plea
a meeting of the minds
in that there is no room for me
within the conversation...


Anonymous said…
Sounds cold, and probably something much needed of someone taking advantage of someone.
Baur said…
That is pretty mean
Brian Miller said…
ugh...when there is no room, there are few options left...a little game play is not a bad thing, but this seems to be well beyond that....

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