NaPoWriMo~OpenLinkNight~Trouble the Struggle

We cling to it
as though we're not living
unless we are...


We covet things
stupid stuff
when we are told we can't have.

Like spoiled children
we grow determined to find a way
no matter the cost

No matter the consequences.
Who are you to tell me what should be?
I'll prove you wrong

but who laughs last?

They call us a free society
yet we are content to be chained by paper.
Who needs shackles

When the people follow willingly
tied to the land
that was never meant to be owned

Let alone divided.

Fences don't keep the enemy out
They keeps us in
where we can be counted
and approved

Then done away with
like fish in a barrel
if we dare stand against
the system
and lie about our worth

Trans Union
Keeping score
Keeping track
Not a chance to take one back
when your a simple number
and they're ready to attack.

Not sure what tomorrow may bring, so I'm posting WAY early for OpenLinkNight where Claudia is no doubt already polishing the glasses to prepare for the festivities.  We've got a date Tuesday at 3pm EST. I'll meet you at dVerse where there will be lots of other word addicts just itching for their fix! Also posting as my NaPoWriMo for the 17th too...two birds, one know the drill ;)


Anonymous said…
the reality of it all isn't so pretty sometimes, and your well written lines, helps to bring things in perspective when it comes to how free are we really?
Timoteo said…
Fences don't keep the enemy out/they keep us in

And when human beings are reduced to statistics, a number is all we see...the living, breathing person ceases to broke the law, is all they can say, and we will treat you as we may. Simplistic solutions from simple minds, and it solves nothing.
Brian Miller said…
you are way what is going on you know something i don't? end of the world?

i feel you on the verse...and its a big scary world out there...they track us six ways to sunday...and turn us into numbers if we let them...and we dont by using our voices, speaking our matter the cost...

so really tomorrow, are they coming for me? smiles.
Unknown said…
that was never meant to be owned

Let alone divided.

Fences don't keep the enemy out
They keeps us in
where we can be counted
and approved

and the transunion, equifax stanza.

So strong Tash. A very early OLN treat. Thanks
Laurie Kolp said…
We covet things
stupid stuff
when we are told we can't have.

Like spoiled children
we grow determined to find a way
no matter the cost

No matter the consequences

.... so true! This is such a thought-provoking, powerful piece, Tash... really strong.
Anonymous said…
EARLY DOORS!!! the message in this Tash- our fences keep us in not me it seems like struggle is inherent in human anture- its a huge part of life- however, many of our struggles are self made- and the only people holding us back are ourselves....particularly liked

Trans Union
Keeping score
Keeping track
Not a chance to take one back
when your a simple number
and they're ready to attack.

Sometimes life seems all about the process and the money- both of whcih are fictional creations! how rdidiculous eh?

oh- equifax- that name strikes fear into my heart from my old banking days....great stuff as always tash
Unknown said…
Hehe Ive posted early too, must be the muse has tapped us on the shoulder early... kewl write by the way ;)
Sherry Blue Sky said…
I so resonate with your theme here. Thankfully some of us are seeing the Big Picture, not liking it, and are making our own choices. Your poem is so well done, and so totally relevant. Thank you!
Anonymous said…
This made me think about the ways I've internalized the number values assigned to me and why I think they mean something. Thank you for increasing my self-awareness!
Claudia said…
ha nice...i like the walls that don't keep the enemies out but keep us prisoned...somehow made me think of the years and years of the berlin wall...beyond sad... and heck yes...i'm off to polish the glasses now...smiles
Cool poem! You caught my feelings exactly! I'm caught in their numbers and that's all they look at. Working on transcending that system. :-)
mrs mediocrity said…
ugh, good timing on this, today being tax day and all, and such truth here, some days it feels like we've all gone wrong, numbers looming over us,
great job with this.
"Itching for our fix", not actually inside your poem, but equally true. It still surprises me how much I look forward to this evening. Seeing what people come up with.
How I hate being known by a number. Besides, I forget them anyways. And if I write them down, I forget where...
my post for tonight
Anonymous said…
I love the stanza about fences keeping us in to be counted, the aggression and visibility in this poem. Damn good
Anonymous said…
Great point:

"When the people follow willingly
tied to the land
that was never meant to be owned
Let alone divided."

Kick ass good, my dear. This could be the rallying cry for the 99%-ers.
Loved the part about the fences - sure they keep out some, but also lock up some other unsavories.

I loved this. Political but not strident. Great.
Chris said…
Strong poem. So much truth in it.
Anonymous said…
I know just what you mean and couldn't agree more - love this as a poem too...
hedgewitch said…
Excellent attitude,Tash, as always, and the stanzas are much more effective than shouting, though they come through loud and clear. You're nothing any more without a number, or more accurately, twenty or thirty, to define you.
Peter Wilkin said…
Wow! Felt like you really needed to write this one out, Natasha. And you have captured the anxiety of it all to perfection in both the tempo & style of this excellent poem :)
Anonymous said…
I absolutely love the remarkable push through your work! Standing ground and awareness, so important and delivered with precision, awesome hon xoxo
Susie Clevenger said…
Yes we are tracked and numbered and then sacrificed while banks get a bailout...powerful piece on numbered reality
Aaron Kent said…
The last stanza in particular is truely phenomenal, rolls off the tongue and carries a great rhythm.

That isn't to say the whole piece isn't excellent, it really is!
1emeraldcity said…
Oh boy, I mean girl...did you ever nail it...we are considered numbers, to be stamped and approved. Damn fine poem!
Wolfsrosebud said…
you've got me thinking about fences... loved the flow to the last stanzs
Thanks for a stimulating read. I have long thought that struggle and frustration were just part of the human condition, since it seems a given that we can conceive a higher perfection than any of us ever can actually achieve. More perspective, less hubris, and some humility in the face of the vastness of those things that we truly do not understand are needed, I suspect! Thanks for this.
Scarlet said…
Love your voice Tash. Indeed we don;t need shackles, we chained ourselves to paper and to the materials world ~

Hope all is well ~
henry clemmons said…
Written by a true broker of land. A very interesting and strong POV. Loved the conviction of your words. I feel ur writing. I hate the boundaries (fences of Montreal) I miss the openess of Argentina and the freedom of expression in Prague. But life keeps moving me closer to a pole where it stays darker one part of the year. No boundaries in the dark, Very nice write. Thank you for visiting my site.
Mark Kerstetter said…
Yes, so often rebellion is childish and over things that don't matter, while people actually ask for the chains and muzzles that keep them down. And sometimes this way of life produces an errant or wild act, someone who has to break out somehow. I'm thinking of your poem "She Runs":

"There will be casualties"

Enjoying your book. You are a strong spirit.
Unknown said…
Truth in your words, creating our own devices of inhibition. poignant write sister, send you well! ~Rose
Zoe said…
Powerful, but deeply thoughtful too. I particularly appreciated the contrast of perspectives... and the message is a chilling one - the more so for the truth it holds. Great poem. :)
Arron Shilling said…
If you were early then i am V.late... but i made it - Yay!
and glad i did too; we flee the coup everytime we write huh?...
Yes we can! ;)
PattiKen said…
This is a piowerful piece. "They" have our number, and we willingly give them the power. Land of the free and home of the brave?
Semaphore said…
I always find your poems to be a social anthem, wrapped up in the clothing of a straightforward narrative or lyrical structure, and this one is no different. It is your strength, what makes your compositions uniquely yours.
Anonymous said…
Agree with Hedgewitch on the attitude and many of the subjects you write about. I need a huge boot up my backside to get myself some freedom, instead of towing the line. Great write :)
James Rainsford said…
I don't remember who said 'Most men lead lives of quiet desperation.' but your poem perfectly elucidates the dehumanisation which can result from society's need to scribe and circumscribe our lives with rules which ensure our conformity.
A very perceptive poem Natasha.
velvetinapurrs said…
oh independence of spirit never this one Natasha..
Anonymous said…
"Fences don't keep the enemy out/they keep us in." This is the fight against computers and receipts (paraphrasing Pete Townshend) that keeps us locked from dreams and the realities that those dreams would purchase. In your usual, powerful and impassioned way you've nailed the co-opting that happens as our dreams our bought and sold for us then we're convinced that the this is the only way to go. So many rallying cries in this poetic charge and makes me want to march and rail against the pretend dream merchants! Very very electric and real.
kd sullivan said…
Paper chains we willing wear and struggle because we think we much to ponder here.
Jesus this is a solid piece. I love it!
Uneven Stephen said…
Sigh. Grim reality. That last stanza is killer!
Unknown said…
Pull me into it Tash, pull me in a lay it down. You always know how to strip it to the bone and let us into the midst of the war between materialism and freedom. Great call to action and conscience.
Gerry Snape said…
Great thoughts Tash...I love the energy in the words. It sums up the moment whether with you or us!! Ruled by the barons again!!

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