Were it Not For Gravity ~ MeetingTheBar @dVersePoets

She skips lightly through a puddle
giggles at her dancing reflection
warping her worth
like copper for pennies.

She dances through wildflowers
drunk on the aroma
of sun bleached wheat
too late to the harvest

She walks a fine line
between what is and what was
while visions of what will be
turns up in the cards
held by a small town carnival vendor
who doesn't know the future
from his asshole
but can quote the scriptures
he breaks
with every flip of a card.

She laughs in the face of restrictions
defying odds
battling statistics
there was never any poetry
to be found in the numbers.

She hides from the facts
devours the fiction
and knows
were it not for gravity
she could fly.

Does your muse dance in magic or thrive on laws? We're looking at science while speaking of poetry...the Chazinator is pulling out all the stops for this week's MeetingTheBar at dVersePoets...are you up to the challenge? Join us as we Trip the Cosmos with Charles!


Claudia said…
nice tash...love how she dances and gets drunk on the wheat..walking the lines between...laughing in the face of restrictions can be a good thing...and i sometimes wish there were no gravity so we could all fly..
Brian Miller said…
darn gravity...i defy gravity...i throw myself at the ceiling...i rarely hit it though...darn gravity...i struggle with staying in the lines...that is why form is so hard...walk that line tash...drink life, write poetry and dont let the institution institutionalize you...smiles.
James Rainsford said…
Full of an essential gravity of both purpose and perception Natasha. Great job!
Wonderful write, Tashtoo! Very enjoyable read! I really do think we can fly!
Wolfsrosebud said…
...don't get me started on flying... my Grand tried it today... loved how you gently brought us into the piece
Beachanny said…
Ha - a fortune teller Biblically knowledgeable! Well if not with wings, you certainly fly with your imagination! Well done.
Anonymous said…
I remember how even the physics professors couldn't (or wouldn't) explain gravity. Another empowering write from you!
hedgewitch said…
I love the spirit of this Tash, and esp the first stanza 'warping her worth/like copper for pennies...' that's stunningly good. And a killer finish, too.
Daydreamertoo said…
Oh, I believe I can fly (in my daydreams I do, I do)
A lovely, hop, skip and jump through her cosmos.
Unknown said…
Ah, now we are talking. Against the fates, against the numbers that might try to define our tomorrows and decimate our yesterdays in so much necessity, we still seek the freedom to be who we can be. I love this because in true Blakean fashion it's told from the mouth of innocence, throwing back into the teeth of experience so much of what experience cannot reduce to regimen and routine.
Semaphore said…
All those images of the girl, the water, the cards - beautiful. But if you had distilled this poem down to the last two lines, it would still have been the same - beautiful.
Anonymous said…
"knowing there was never any poetry to be found in the numbers" and the last lines on gravity!!! Got me ridiculously excited...only great poets do that to me. This is splendid. Beyond splendid.
Anonymous said…
'a small town carnival vendor who doesn't know the future from his asshole'- for me there was quite a few levels to this- the contradiction between the subjects scepticism of the medium- but almost yearning for a level of supernaturalist (wanting to fly)- at the heart if this is the frustration we all feel to try and makecsensevifvthe world and our place in it. This was beautiful- and those last two lines just made it soar
Anonymous said…
supernaturalist should read supernaturallism - stupid autocorrect
Dawn Pisturino said…
delightfully carefree!
kaykuala said…
The gravity of the situation. We cannot see but it's there like air. Can't explain but we can feel.One day we'll fly. Great write Tash!

aprille said…
I especially liked the 'fine line' and the certainty that 'she can fly'.
Wish I were that certain about my golf balls :-)

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