Humanity Rising ~ #FormForAll @dVersePoets

~ tritina form ~

Frustration mounts as my core temperature rises
The gift of free will abused, I ready to take on the world
Not with weapons of destruction, rather with this army built on words

There is so much strength for good within the words
Used well against mass consciousness, goodness rises
and with it, a new understanding, a different perception, of this world.

It is we who have stood by, allowing the creation of our world
with our indifference, our ability to ignore the issues, not hear the words
the time has come to end failed systems as humanity finds the courage to rise

Compassion rises and with it a better world is built through the power of the words.

My first attempt at a surprisingly tricky form.  Pick three words, said Samuel Peralta...and it should write itself. Well, Sam...I've done my best, and will continue to learn as I dive into the other poet's fine words going up at FormForAll over at dVersePoets. You're welcome to join us...I'm pretty sure Sam has saved you a seat!


Beachanny said…
Love your take and the way your repetition encourages and urges action - where the pen is far mightier than any sword - where reason counts more than dogma - where the middle and its compromises preserves the dream of freedom.
Victoria said…
You're my word warrior, Tash. Beuatifully done. Would that all wars were with poetic weapons.
Laurie Kolp said…
Your first tritina? This is great, Tash! I like your army of words...
Brian Miller said… is us that has let it come to this....just as it is up to us to change it once more or take it back....def feel your call to do just that as well poet....
Paulog30 said…
Awesome! Good flow and relevant subject matter! Good work!!
Mary said…
I like the strength of this poem, the readiness to do battle (with words)and to end indifference. You worked the form to the max, Tash, and made good points!
Glenn Buttkus said…
Your poem swells with energy, and the form does not get in the way; it is better than you think it is; a fine stirring tribute and rallying cry for writers to keep those fingers and pens moving, and thoughts will become perceptions as words take root in divers cortex.
Susan said…
Gosh, this time I read the comments above and I agree with everyone. I love your poem, its long lines, its frustrations and certainties.

I feel at home in your poem.
Claudia said…
so many systems failed over the years...def. time to re-think some of your passion in this tash
Semaphore said…
Not only have you constructed a tritina as described by the examples, but you've managed to stay true to your own thematic background - that of the voice in the wilderness, crying out for reason and truth and justice. A stirring composition.
Unknown said…
great job adhering to the form, and love the theme here, so true. Great write Tash. Thanks
Anonymous said…
Woo! It's like a call to action, winding me up as I read until, by the end, I'm ready to run out the door and join a protest. (Do people still do that?)
I love how you took on the form.
Anonymous said…
I think it weas Marty Feldmann who said, "The pen is mightier than the sword - and a darned sight easier to write with." When a pens are wielded with the passion and artistry on display here, it is not hard to believe that poets truly can change the world.

Tigerbrite said…
Well done. Apoem with a message of hope.
This was too good for a first attempt. Bravo!
S.E.Ingraham said…
This is my idea of marshalling an army - well said Tash and a good take on the form, I think too
Ginny Brannan said…
A strong and passionate poem. Words before weapons, the pen should always be mightier than the sword! You go, girl!! Well penned.
RMP said…
really nice tritina. your words speak volumes--as (I suppose) is the point.
custom term said…
Wow such a wonderful collection of words really...this collection really inspires me a lot and give a positive view to lead my life...such a nice sharing... :)

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