Simplicity #OpenLinkNight @dVersePoets

I refuse to acknowledge these invisible lines
that have painted me
as a resident
of a particular flag's brand...
Stinks of ownership to me
doesn't smell like being free
makes me vote for anarchy
Do you care to call my bluff?

I assure you I need no rule book
to dictate my behavior
I have a heart
that leads me
What do I win if I harm another
Steal blood from a brother
rape and destroy our great mother?
Not a world I'd want to live in.

The only ownership that can be complete in its definition
is your ownership of self...
are you ready?

It's OpenLinkNight at dVersePoets....are you ready?


Claudia said…
i wish many more people would think like you and thomas paine.. and what better compass is there to guide us than our heart...
Brian Miller said…
ah count me in on hoping...slave to no country, only ideals and people...the heart will guide you, just be sure to run it by the head as a check n balance...smiles...
Anonymous said…
We are all residents of earth. Thanks for a fine poem.
Pat Hatt said…
Yeah screw the rules
Made up by fools
That try to pigeon hole
All with a goal
Send them away
See the light of day
And all will shine
Like the arse of the feline hahaha
Mary said…
"To thine own self be true...." This is what I hear your poem saying. Points well made. We are all citizens of the world.
Semaphore said…
You have really hit your stride here, and that strident voice of literary revolution fits you so well. And that is really what we are looking for to find tjat voice that is uniquely ours. Bravo!
Such a sense of moral compass you share with us--I am struck again and again by the depth of conscience in your work!
ayala said…
A great poem...the message so true ...the heart rule book needed.
Anonymous said…
That's as good as it gets.

Kick ass good! You seem to understand what it means to say" Don't tell me what you believe, tell me what you've done. Bee-you-tee-full!
Uneven Stephen said…
Excellent message. It is sad that we need to be reminded to own our "self".
Anonymous said…
You and Thomas Paine make a great pairing, great feisty power in your lines as always Tash x
The Silver Fox said…
Yeah, sometimes a conscience and your own private rule book is all you need. Who'da thunk it?
marousia said…
A borderless world would be something to behold - I share your vision
Anonymous said…
Fabulous! I have never, ever felt the need to be tied in by my own country. There's a whole world out there for the taking.

In an ideal world, there wouldn't be all the borders and rules. Sadly, I don't think there will ever be an ideal world.
I assure you I need no rule book to dictate my behaviour.... Not a preacher Natasha, but have long believed this "...and I will send to you a prophet such that none can say "know this to know of Me"...... for He will write my laws upon your hearts and souls, and you will always know Me.....
I agree with Semaphore. Your poetic voice Natasha is original. Your writing keeps getting stronger, more mature. I'm loving watching your talent unfold.
Unknown said…
Im ready sister! Lets walk in love and let our eraser feet delete all borders!!! Beautiful write and intention of future ~ rose
Maude Lynn said…
I love the way you think and the way you express what you think!
Dana Dampier said…
We have a world full of adventure, ideas, love, friends... why limit ourselves because another wants us to. Why hate when we don't fully understand why we should.

I don't want someone to just tell me why I should follow, I want them to show me what they are made of so I can decide.
Anonymous said…
Nice!! I love when I can hear the power of a rant behind your words, and I especially like your words today.
Unknown said…
Totally agree Tash. Strong lines here, really a well executed piece, If I would've wrote this it would've been 8 pages long…lol love how you were able to pack so much reflection in here. Great read. Thanks
jackie Dick said…
You tell 'em sista! No thinking inside the box for you. You threw the box away...and yes ownership of one's self is what we all should want..not a country and not a planet. We are only stewards of both, and sad to say not very good ones. Keep reminding us, prodding us! A most important piece here! Bravo!
adan said…
thomas paine, wow what a quote!

"no rule book
to dictate my behavior
I have a heart
that leads me"

true independence, thank you ;-)
Steve King said…
A fine your rhetorical bent here, as always. Nice job.
Susan said…
YES I AM!! Love this!
I agree that if all people used common sense--makes sense everywhere--then we could toss the rule books, cut our chains. I like the form of rebellion and tone of challenge that you use here in first person. No mistaking who you are talking to. And I love the power of your rhyming lines:
"Stinks of ownership to me
doesn't smell like being free
makes me vote for anarchy" and
"What do I win if I harm another
Steal blood from a brother
rape and destroy our great mother?" The rest is just marvelous attack!
Yes, time to overthrow nations and the corporations that own them. You ask rhetorically:

"What do I win if I harm another
Steal blood from a brother
rape and destroy our great mother?"

It now seems obvious that what you win when you behave like that -- like a young male constitutionally unable to forsee consequences -- is mostly 90-day profits. Short-term gain for a few that augurs long-term loss for us all!
Chris Lawrence said…
brilliant and reaches far and wide
Anonymous said…
wonderfully written, as all your poems are plus stirring of emotions deep within. brilliant!

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