White Washed ~ #WWUC @NWCreativeUnion

Life is seldom colorful. If we are to speak the truth, it is our own perception that paints the pastel fields, the vibrant seas.  Who turns to the ocean to see azure after the death of a loved one? Who tastes the indigo in a twilight sky upon the revelation a lover has been unfaithful?

Our path will only unfold before us should we choose to step in that direction. With each footfall, we determine the ground that we shall walk upon. Do we dance to the edge of the cliff with eyes to the sky like the Fool of prophecy? Is it our perceived colors that distract?

They call the collective a murder, therefore...because of our perception of the word, do we thus perceive the lone crow to be less of a threat? One beak can poke your eyes out as easily as a dozen...perhaps more so. Do we long for blindness simply to avoid the embarrassment of choosing wrong? 

It is the violin that sings of death on the back porch of comfort, while notes trembling in ecstasy rise to greet you on the sunlit veranda overlooking that azure sea. Don't be fooled, for the same blackness that will wash away the azure, will steal the indigo from twilight...and no matter your instrument, it is the song of death that plays in the darkness.

Written for the Wednesday Wake Up Call at New World Creative Union, where Leslie Moon has shared the wonderful video above as a prompt for our inspiration.  Certainly rocking a "Poe" vibe today...whether or not I've done it justice will be determined by the +1's received...what are you waiting for...hit that button! And come share your own creative response in any medium you choose...we also encourage to visit our showcased artist. Max Ablitzer's piece is fantastic!


Anonymous said…
I like this :)
Laurie Kolp said…
Very thought-provoking!
Chasing Tao said…
Our path will only unfold before us...With each footfall...

Ah, yes, Natasha! Therein lies the truth!

Always a pleasure to read your words!

Roger ☺
Susie Clevenger said…
This has such depth to it...It does seem so often we choose to white wash life when we can't face the darkness. Great piece!!
Brian Miller said…
dang this gave me a bit of a shiver tash....really great job on the imagery and the tone through out...the crows section and the violin at the end...will one kill us less than a murder...some really cool twisting thoughts in this...
Susie Clevenger said…
There is such power in this and a call for us to wake up and see life as it really is. Great job Natasha!
Unknown said…
Exceptional poetic prose Tash. This is such a perfect response to the WWUC prompt and one of the better prose poems I've read ever. Amazing work here. Thanks
Leslie Moon said…
yes I believe color is perceived and the moods in this piece show that with excellence - A great truth interwoven with timbres of Poe

you hit it out of the park Natasha!
t said…
Justice (more than) done.
Wow-ee this was good, I really liked this - a powerful argument, and a compelling read. - Mosk
Very nice, thanks for sharing.
Sean Vessey said…
Powerful write on the absence of color in the prompt!
The pathway of death
Chilling ...
Jenny Herner said…
Wonderful! I love the use of color and emotion!

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