The Forgotten One~ #poetry by @Tashtoo

Who would think the better half could so easily be forgotten.
Written out of our history
Consumed by the seed of the holy ghost
though no crown or title would she wear.

Who would think our "god"
in whose image we were made
would share in our carnal desires
when rule states heavenly bodies
should be consumed one at a time

unless you listen to the other son
who allows his boys a few more toys

And so I was left to smolder
when water boarding wouldn't work
Connected to earth, to tide, to love
that you chose to name as devil

For centuries it seems
I have been tied to your flames
Waving undergarments on fire
Asking you to do the math...

To have one without the other...
and you regard your world with confusion?
An unbalanced scale will tilt to the heaviest side
there is no magic formula here

We were left outside when the ladder to heaven was built
back doored by the popular vote
Our magick was decidedly evil
Our bodies, the most toxic elixir
Though it was a poison born in the minds of men.

And while I remain flattered at the strength of their stake
flames licking at my toes for eons
I have watched us regain our footing
only to slip in our efforts to become like them
and I watch those scales tip further

Yin and Yang
Ebb and flow
Strength and love
Your human army falters
as universal laws predict your failings
you, content to turn away
resisting the one change that would right every wrong

You are no better
You are no worse
Your designs and labels
created to feed the ego that now governs
will be your undoing.

All good people know
as long as there is inequality
there will be war
there will be famine
there will be unnecessary deaths in untold numbers

I urge you now to wake
To face the errors of your ways
This is not the voice of the father you pray to
simply the hope of the mother
you have forgotten.

Claudia takes over the pub for OpenLinkNight. Link up at dVerse gets underway at 3pmEST...


Unknown said…
Niceeeee. From start to end I was drawn and compelled to continue reading. Truly an amazing piece! It spoke to me
Brian Miller said…
And so I was left to smolder
when water boarding wouldn't work....and We were left outside when the ladder to heaven was built
back doored by the popular vote...snap...wicked lines...and as long as there is inequality there will be war...truth there....really strong piece with great flow tash....
Anonymous said…
Got to agree with Addie and Brian - there are some wicked strong lines in here and a message that needds to be heard and acted upon.
Claudia said…
An unbalanced scale will tilt to the heaviest true...very vivid images throughout tash..
Susan Daniels said…
Tash, this is amazing. Love what you have done here, and I hope we do listen to our mother...
Timoteo said…
"undergarments on fire..."

I always hope my next date will go that way.
Laura said…
this is why we should always listen to our mothers!
Anonymous said…
Powerful stuff Tash - war, famine and unnecessary deaths - facts of life for millennia indeed
Wolfsrosebud said…
and a mother's heart so broken
Kimolisa said…
So powerful from start to finish, I especially like the last line.
rickmenace said…
i feel the overall message though:)Godbless
Yee-ow! This was a great, stinging indictment! Wonderful summation too! I couldn't agree more! Big ups here!
Pat Hatt said…
Great flow
Don't you know
With a ying and yang
And a little bit of tang
Came out with a bang
With the verse you sang
Ginny Brannan said…
"This is not the voice of the father you pray to
simply the hope of the mother
you have forgotten."

Compelling from beginning to end. You have really nailed the struggles of human nature in this one. Well penned, Natasha!
Anonymous said…
Sad, but moving. And your lines, like the prompt asked, cracked a whip that lashed my attention with a quickness.
Glenn Buttkus said…
mother spirit, mother earth, matron of nature; my own mother dead for over 40 years reminds me often that our planet is female, and it will become barren if it continues to be raped, plundered, robbed, & ruined; your poem has deep sensuality that pierces into the spiritual mythical religious realm, not as interloper but as messenger. Drug me, pressed my face in the hot rocks beneath ghost glaciers; loved it word princess!
Andy Sewina said…
WoW! This is so good, I wish I could write like you.

Mine’s HERE
Unknown said…
Wow. You never fail to amaze me. "Tied to your flames" Your words evoke such emotion and such strength even in sadness. Absolutely stunning.

Every single stanza - I mean it
Anonymous said…
I don't think these things will be solved for some time, but your passion is clear. k.
Anonymous said…
A powerful and compelling write here, Tash. The Yin and Yang stanza and the penultimate one really resonate w. me. I think this is one of your best.
Anonymous said…
WOW!! This is deep and powerful, Tash! I was mesmerized and blown away by it! Excellent!
Anonymous said…
This is epic. And so damn universal.

Tashtoo, you have done something here that will not fade easily. And the broadness you cover is simply amazing.

Very strong and evocative poem.


Lady Nyo
mrs mediocrity said…
Oh my, what a social commentary, so filled with truth and great lines.... Spun down to a fabulous ending!
RMP said…
stunning! I love the last stanza.
Anonymous said…
I've been reading about the awakening of Shakti or Sacred Feminine. Your poem fits into this idea perfectly... the anecdote to a wounded planet.
Unknown said…
A beautiful poem, full of truth, the abuses are there for all to see, but the man with his self-destructive nature never stops and continues. Money:one of the inventions more slave and useless.
brudberg said…
Wow, yes the shadows are as important as the light. But to much shadow and you crave the light, and without shadow you cannot create. I love that image..
Anonymous said…
Powerhouse write, mesmerizing and compelling!

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