Can't Win 'Em All

There are those who will love you.
Sing your praises. Lift you up. Encourage.
So you try to be better.

There are those who will pretend to love you.
Stab your back. Sneaky jabs. Steal your spirit.
So you try to be better.

There are those who will not like you.
Belittle your work. Question your skill.
So you try to be better.

There are those who will hate you.
Tear you down. Rip you apart. 
So you try to be better.

No matter which group you're facing
Never stop trying
To be better.



Ben Ditty said…
I won't if you won't, poet :-)
Brian Miller said…
there is danger in listening too close to the praises...and the critics....both can go to our heads...

good to see you still writing tash
The Silver Fox said…
An excellent attitude!

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