Catch of the Day

There is a young boy fishing
Perched at the end of the wharf
His silhouette rippling
In the easy current
Of low black water.
The evening sun,
Warm and golden
Slowly sinks
Below the hills

Dust motes catch the light
Reflecting rainbows
In the panes of beveled glass,
Thick and ancient
That make up the window
I watch through.
Nothing smells
Quite like cottage dust
In summer.

In the child I see hope.
Can picture his eyes,
Set on the bobber
Calmly floating in his reflection.
I see patience
He sits steady
Resisting the urge
To trail his bare toes
Through the warm August water.

An old Ford pickup
Rumbles across the bridge
Dust and dirt mingle
A song of fathoms
As they fall from above
A dance of rippling intrusion
The boy ignores

The bobber sinks
In an instant he is on his feet
Line taunt
And I smile
That things like
Patience and perseverance 
Are often rewarded
On lazy summer evenings
When we take the time
To notice.

Natasha Head


What ad this slice of life! great write! Love

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