TGIF ~ The Joy is in the Struggle

We are, if anything, a species that will attempt, at all cost, to defy our nature.

In this era of social media, we are bombarded by updates of the most mundane nature. My timelines, in particular, seem to have fathomless depths of complaint and discontentment.  I confess I've "unfollowed" a great number of people based on their tone. There seems to me to be way too many who find themselves overwhelmed and put off by the most trivial of things.

There is not a creature I can think of who does not struggle every day for the simple reward of survival. The smallest minnow in the tiniest of streams struggles against currents continuously, fins constantly resisting the natural flow of its waters.

With struggle, comes achievement. Overcoming obstacles, no matter how small, is a win. Our currents may change, but like that tiny minnow, we determine if we should stay or go. We need to once again honor survival. The strength of getting by. 

When we honor our own achievements, it reminds us to honor others. We are all fighting different currents of different strengths, but we are all fighting, daily. Never forget the joy of overcoming and how that joy is multiplied when you help others do the same.

To each and every one of you who makes it through today, I applaud you.

Love yourself, love your neighbours, and make the most out of those rapids. 



Marina Sofia said…
Thank you, just the kind of thing I needed to hear today. Or perhaps every day!

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