The Moon at Sea

Like a loose anchor
Serve only to keep you in the swells
Slowing you down
Lost at sea
With no direction
Life continues to move forward
Oblivious to your struggle
Washing up on unknown shores
As continents drift
The landscape alters
Instinctively you hang on
When you need only
To surrender to the current
Trust the pull of the moon
Allow the tide
To bring you home

Natasha Head


Excellent metaphor! You're rocking the words lately! Or maybe I just haven't noticed your supersized talent until this week, either way, Thanks! Love Mosk
Marina Sofia said…
Oh, indifferent life and the talent of letting go - I love how you manage to convey so much in such succinct verses!
Alex Dissing said…
What a great metaphor. Beautiful picture, even prettier images in your words. Great piece, Natasha.

I haven't been on your blog in a long time & I can see you haven't skipped a beat.
Tashtoo said…
Always love your visits, Mosk :)) I've been spending most of my writing time elsewhere but my blog is the place of humble beginnings...just like home :)
Tashtoo said…
Thank you so much :)
Tashtoo said…
Wonderful to see you :)) Truth be told...I've not been here much either...hoping to change that. Pop in anytime!

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