
I want to understand
To step from the safety of the sidelines
Into the struggle and
My privilege is blindness
Trained to look past
Not ask
For fear of being impolite

Our wounds are bleeding
Thin skinned scars of failure
Breaking open
You cannot bandage the father
In hopes of healing the son.

There is great reward in control
If power is what you covet 
To rewrite history
To determine who and what is learned

Fear is airborne
Manipulation of conversation
With a twist of truth

In teaching tolerance
They have sabotaged the possibility of acceptance
Sweeping differences under the rug
While they stare us down 
Expecting us to forsake
That that defines us
To keep the peace
In the face of unadulterated injustice

We stand on the sidelines ignorant
Absolved of responsibility
As another city burns

Natasha Head

Days like this...there's been far, far too many lately. 


Powerful, urgent poem. I like the feel of this.

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