Soap Boxing
Soap Boxing
Solid, sustainable economies are founded on a fair and equitable distribution of wealth to ALL citizens. Greed is a certain path to destruction. Poverty serves only our prisons and grave yards when our bread basket is empty.
Solid, sustainable humanity is found in the goodness that hides in the fathoms of the darkest hearts. The world needs to learn to harvest the goodness. To support and encourage these fragile, tender seeds rather than aim to treat them like weeds.
Solid, sustainable earth is what we risk to lose still so many choose to ignore the warning signs for the sake of profit and instant gratification.
I desire a world where my children can love freely. A world where they can build a life, raise a family, with a desire to do good, to help others, and pave the way for generations to come. I like to believe you want the same.
Natasha Head