Chrome~Plated Wisdom

Brian Miller has teased us with a very fun prompt...and while I was debating a nice, sassy, political rant laced with the wisdom of bumper stickers (today's prompt) I was having too much fun! So, while it may not be poetic, I'd like to share with you some of the Chrome Plated Wisdom I discovered while working on my post for dVersePoets and Brian's Poetics prompt today.

Chrome Plated Wisdom

Life is a catch phrase
live it while you can
In the end you'll just go
serving old tax man.

Big brother is watching
was there ever any doubt
He knows where your peeping
No need for you to pout

If Jesus was a fish
would he have the air to say
Children you are doing well
You deserve a break today.

Always remember you are unique
Just like everybody else
One day the day is gonna come
that up and stops your pulse.

Anyone who's not confused
isn't well informed
Confusion in the nation
has become our norm.

Artificial intelligence
beats real stupidity
If you can read this then you know
you're way to close to me.

Could you drive better if
we shoved that phone right up your ass
Don't be sexist, broads hate that
It's time to show some class

Drugs may lead to no where
At least it's a scenic route
Don't discriminate, hate everyone
and hell will be your proof.

Gas, grass, or ass
No one rides for free
Make love, not war
I support world peace!

I don't suffer from insanity
I enjoy it every day!
If you can't feed em, then don't breed em
And now I've had my say.

Honk if you love me!


Claudia said…
i suport world peace as well....smiles - good one tashi - discovered quite a few we have in germany as you see...bumper stickers are international and can be some kind of ambassadors...and this is just great...smiles
Uneven Stephen said…
Ha, this is a great summary of our society. Love the "Could you drive better if / we shoved that phone right up your ass" stanza. I get a Marilyn Manson (Beautiful People) and Fight Club feel (unique snowflake) feel from some of the stanzas. Very thought provoking. Awesome!
Anonymous said…
I like the flow, the way the rhythm is like a wave, back and forth between the "issues" on the bumper stickers.
hedgewitch said…
Ha! Those were good ones, Natasha. I did something very similar, but I managed to make it a political rant too. The sites I went to to read up had me rolling, just like this poem, where you've worked it all into a nice smooth run.
Daydreamertoo said…
LOL Love them!!
Yes, get yourself another plate!
Brian Miller said…
confusion is the nature that has become our norm...that line right there sums it up...some real fun play in this one tash...and a healthy dose of our reality as read...wonder if that phone would still ring? smiles.
Mary said…
Society today is extremely confusing. So many mixed messages.
Anonymous said…
I'm honking, Tash. This was so fun and flowed well!
Pat Hatt said…
hahaha no one rides for free
Oh this brought such glee
Such fun to see
Bumper to bumper at your tree
Anonymous said…
Honk, true that - no one rides for free, so much fun!
The Silver Fox said…
Something very different for you. I had to check to make sure I wasn't reading Pat's blog! (Jussssst kidding.)

P.S. -- Honk!
Anonymous said…
Very very funny! I really enjoyed this. (Like my insanity!) Very clever. (One typo -- I think you mean "if you can read this you're too close."

Always remember you are unique--just like everybody else. Terrific!
Anonymous said…
This is the best:

"Always remember you are unique
Just like everybody else"

~Shawna (
some divine lines pinned in your piece.

yeah, PEACE, please.
Unknown said…
Honk, Honk (that's me honking for you, lol). It's late, and I am getting silly. But, I enjoyed this fun roll through the bumper sticker bits :)
Steve King said…
Artificial intelligence
beats real stupidity

Just great! This will be part of my permanent repertoire...with attribution of course!
Maude Lynn said…
This is awesome! Absolutely hilarious.
Sheila said…
honk, honk! :) love this stanza - Artificial intelligence
beats real stupidity
If you can read this then you know
you're way to close to me
Anonymous said…
HonkHonkHonk (love you lots!)

Fun, insightful and oh so true

seasideauthor said…
Big Brother is watching is the awful truth.
Well written.
Anonymous said…
You did have me at the title and you kept my attention through out your words.
tinkwelborn said…
rolling along here. it's a trip for sure.
there seems to be a lot of platitudes here that the Bumper Sticker Industry could use. ;-)

the lines I like best:
Drugs may lead to no where
At least it's a scenic route

thank you.
Cathy Feaster said…
You meshed these all so flawlessly...this was so much fun to read, and I laughed out loud too!
Patricia said…
ooooooh! Way to go ... honk, honk! Love the flow and the fun you had with this one. Made me smile.
That was clever and amusing.

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