The Talk ~ Poetics ~ dVersePoets

The Talk

"You know only you can do this..."
I look at him
standing there, blocking the last few rays of sun filtering through the curtains

"You've waited long enough, any longer..."
His voice trails off, awaiting my response.
I turn from him, not wanting him to see.

Back to him, I breathe deep
praying the tears that are threatening to overwhelm
don't fall...there's been so many lately

and he hates when I do this, he always has
I can't blame him
I cry over the freakin' church commercials on TV

Suddenly, his hand is on my shoulder
turning me, there is no pity in his eyes
He is strong. He always has been

The yin to my yang, my rock
My lips move, but no sound emerges
just that shaky breath, that I can't believe

carries enough air to fill my lungs.
"They're waiting."
I know he doesn't want to push

But he knows he has to.
An entire family is waiting, not knowing
and like him, they too look to me.

I nod, and take his hand in my own
and without a word
we move as one, both dreading

the conversation to come.

Today at Poetics, Claudia has teased us with a call and response prompt.  Communication and conversation, swirling around us 24/ many and varied personalities won't even quiet themselves to let me sleep! ;)  So...I've learned to appreciate the silence that can sometimes answer that call.  Hope you'll join us today at the pub.  dVerse is calling you...will you respond?


Claudia said…
wow tash you painted a whole picture with your words..allowing us a deep glimpse not only showing us what's outside but also what's inside...very well done..much enjoyed..
Anonymous said…
This is such a horrible feeling, whatever the uneasy conversation may be about:

"we move as one, both dreading
the conversation to come."
The Silver Fox said…
Wow... So much left unsaid... appropriately enough.
Christine said…
dreaded moments of life, this feels very real, nice job
Daydreamertoo said…
Aww how sad... it's as if love knows the way, even though the couple maybe don't.
What a deeply moving write and an even more awesome read. (even if this is fiction, it's darned good)
Brian Miller said…
oy...yeah, not a fan of those conversations but willing to have them when needed...all too real emotions in this play well off the two characters as well...
junebjimenez said…
How many of us go through situations like these...go through life with still so much not dealt with, but still choose to push forward, knowing that there's somehow comfort with the one you choose to go through life with....I know I have. At times it's not easy, but situations call for beautiful poems, such as this, to be created.
tinkwelborn said…
ooo. tight situation. unknown, unspoken....but it doesn't matter: the recipe fits many/most situations. Yeah! these two know each other well, so that some words don't need to be spoken.
good work here!
hedgewitch said…
Very interesting, really engages from the first word, and the ambiguity of just what is waiting is nicely adjusted to pique the curiosity, let the reader fill in the blanks. Like most overheard conversations. Very real, and really good, Tash.
libithina said…
sensed the incredible trepidation here Tash ~ something can't avoid or [put off ~ he leads ~ takes the lead ~ and you are at one ~
~ Lib ~
Such a vivid glimpse into a dialogue on which so much seems ot be at stake.
Your poem evokes the heightend sense of intensity at such a moment. I was drawn in from the first line and didn't want to let go by the last!
Anonymous said…
such patience on one side, such anxiety on the other. nice contrast.
Unknown said…
the trepidation of the family meeting to discuss ????/ can really be felt in this we've all been there at some point ...horrible but you wrote and conveyed it brilliantly ....thank you x
Laurie Kolp said…
I look at this as a talk b/t someone (doctor, perhaps?) and God, who is giving the other strength to tell a family some bad news. I know, I'm probably totally off with this, but you really got my imagination going!
Pat Hatt said…
Yes we all have been there at some point
Liked the use of ying and yang at your joint
The convo you aced for the dVerse way
As two in one had their say
Anonymous said…
Wonderful story in a poem. K.
Ravenblack said…
Vivid capture of the moment before one has to say something important and probably unpleasant to close ones. So glad the narrator has her partner, though it seems all to fall on her shoulder.
hyperCRYPTICal said…
Perfect. You got my imagination going too!

Anna :o]
Anonymous said…
Fantastic - I would love to know what the dreaded conversation is about - so intriguing
Anonymous said…
Love it. I felt the lump in my throat, the one I swallow back along with the tension in my gut. Very well crafted.

You captured beautifully the kind of moment we all can recognize.
kaykuala said…
It is unsettling that love may lead to good times but the couple missed out. What was it all about anyway! Interesting to know!

lynne said…
well done Natasha.. this could be the prelude to more writes on this couple.. their shared intimacy, the conversation to come..

my curiosity wants to know, What is the news?

Well done my friend..
Unknown said…
I like the different take you spun on the prompt. Fresh indeed. Nice job here Tash, thanks
Beachanny said…
One can only imagine what awaits, and I agree (probably everyone feels this way) it seems like it always falls on the speaker "to get it done", organize, convey the message, be the envoy, the diplomat, the "fixer". Every woman I know feels that way and at least half the men. The other half of the men have a "fallback". Excellent write, just enough said!
Anonymous said…
so much dimension to this piece... the reader wants to know what's next?

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