The Time Has Come~OpenLinkNight

I'm throwing back to an old one for this weeks OpenLinkNight.  It's not something I like to do, but in my desire to write something positive and uplifting...I was given no choice.  So, as Brian Miller mans the forte this week,  I am going to urge you all to be the biggest and best Creators you can be.  Maybe the presence that is dVersePoets should run for office. A little bit of you, a little bit of me, a world filled with light, laughter, poetry! That's my cheeseball moment for this week :)  And if any are interested, we're devoting this weeks Issue of The River Journal to our voices. Our thoughts, opinions.  We've already seen the news isn't interested in sharing them! So if you get a chance, drop us a line before Thursday, and we'll do our best to see your voice is shared.  On that note...dear dVerse champions, I share with you...Creators


Creators take charge!
Account for these beasts
Who own the shadows we've allowed to invade
Our gentle lands.
Blocking our light,
We have let ourselves cower
Thinking we've no other choice
But to let them rule our minds.
Sharpened pencils stab our hearts
Calling our earnings their own
Feasting upon the harvest
Of those less fortunate.

Creators take charge!
This world is ours to empower!
The powers that be
We permit to be
Take back your power!
Raise your voice to be heard!
It is our truth, our dignity
That will pay the price.
You are worth
So much more than they have led you to believe
You are loved
so much more than you know!

Creators take charge!
Own your magnificent power,
Let the light they have tried to smother
Shine bright enough for all
Allow yourselves to become
The glorious gods and goddesses
You have forgotten you have always been
Throughout all our shared eternities
You are divinity manifested
Within this earthly realm
You are, within yourself
The miracle you have been waiting for.

2010 Natasha Head


The Silver Fox said…
Ha! Sounds like something that could have come from a history of comic books, believe it or not. Lots of big characters created under work-for-hire rules.

I know, that's a very narrow take on it, but still, it did touch a chord!
Tashtoo said…
But which cord, dear Silver! I'm commenting back again for all to see...the things you people do to me! :)
theborgpoet said…
Well, I know that I am the miracle that I was waiting for. Now, if the rest of the world would realize it, I think we would all be better off!
The Silver Fox said…
Creators in the early days of comic books (1930s-1970s) rarely owned the rights to characters and concepts they created. Company owners became millionaires while the creators often died in poverty, as broken-down alcoholics, and worse.

Obviously, your poem embraced creators of all kinds, but with the "Comical Wednesday" posts I've been doing, naturally my mind is in "that place."
Pat Hatt said…
Look you're rhyming in the comments you give back
Going on the rhyme attack at your shack
I will give no flack
And very nice dVerse whack
So true we are our own creators and can seek
Out all we want but letting it leak
Unless you are one of Fox's screwed over comics from early days
Then those greedy mooks take all the dough and your idea no longer pays
Tashtoo said…
Borg...I know the miracle that you are...that's why I joined your revolution!
Silver...sounds similar to many of the young musicians signed up to the contracts of the machine...imagine! I've not the room to rant on such things...that is why the Creators must take back their power. Imagine our world with without poetry, song, art, uggg!
Pat...if not for the facts, I'd never do a rhyme attack...that fault lies with you, yes it is true...and I always love when you visit my shack, and that dear readers is a just face it fact! (Note the side bar, click the link, you don't even have to think!)
Brian Miller said…
power to the poets,to the artists creators who chisel manifestos and act on them, spray them big in bold colors or muted in puddles, but just dont sit and wait for the world to fix itself...we are the act like it...smiles.
The Silver Fox said…
You visit Pat, you start to rhyme,
As that cat does, like, all the time!
I'm trying to guess if you're brain-washed
By Pat, or if you're merely sloshed!
Tashtoo said…
Brian, I could not have said it better myself! Amen!
Anonymous said…
Tash, you always make me want to protest - next time I'll bring a placard and some markers! You fire me up! This is a lovely call to embrace our role in society (I've spent many years as an artist advocate - more than 90% of US artists (any area) make less than $7,000 a year)! Ha, looks like I remembered to bring my soapbox (shocking).
Tashtoo said…
And Silver!
You know I am the champion of rhyme,
But I let the cat pretend for a time
....yup, brainwashed 100%, Even I don't drink when at work ;)
Tashtoo said…
Anna, I will gladly set up your soap box and paint your posters! The world needs fixing...and it seems the ones we've been counting on have fallen short. Power to all who desire to make the world a better place, where artists are revered as they used to be at one time. We can get back to that, right? Anyone who cares should care enough to follow along with you, to see what you do... @Chromatopia_LLC
Anonymous said…
An empowering bit for us today...simply splendid, Natasha. Yell it from the street corners! Power to the artists and the poets - may we change the world, to a better (and more creative!) place ;)
Scarlet said…
i love the voice...Creators take charge !!!

meaningful message specially these lines:

You are, within yourself
The miracle you have been waiting for.
Claudia said…
amen to this...we so often allow things to hold us down and make us more powerless than we really are..power to the poets...yeah!!!
Unknown said…
POWER TO THE POET! that's right... we are a driving force... can't let anyone take away the strength of thee poetic verse... right on! or should I say WRITE ON! yeah, write on is cooler. hahah
Unknown said…
Love the call to arms, so to speak, here Tash. Very inspirational and motivating a piece. i think I'll go write another piece. Thanks
Anonymous said…
never thought of myself as a goddess... power in your words today
Daydreamertoo said…
Sometimes we give too much of our power to people who are undeserving.
Powerful imagery. Powerful write!
Anonymous said…
Love this: "Who own the shadows we've allowed to invade
Our gentle lands."

Nice challenging, uplifting piece. A rarity in poetic form. :)

~Shawna (
Adura Ojo said…
Inspiring piece. Thanks for sharing.
Anonymous said…
I'm with Brian....I think we have a definite artists...of all take back the field.

Powerful stuff, Natasha.

This took me far afield.

Lady Nyo
ayala said…
Inspiring....power to the poets....power to the creators!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Unknown said…
Great poem all I can say is Amen !
I'd love to hear you read this some day Natasha, and you know what, I think some day I will :)
Thanks for sharing.
Anonymous said…
Good Call Tash! If the creators and artistic minds of our generations stand up to be counted and take charge, then I think this whole world would be a different place..... "Feasting upon the harvest Of those less fortunate......." I think that's really deep because it goes a lot farther than just our employers and politicians profiting from us, but I believe it represents decades, many, many decades of completely disassociated feelings about capitalizing on the poor people of third world countries.... as though there's not a second thought about it... and now all of the financial leaders are getting to understand the idea that the rest of the world is catching up to us, and so their question is "Now who do we capitalize on?" Well, apparently the answer is ourselves..... Very strong poem and completely perfect for the times we are living in!
Anonymous said…
Reminds me of good old Walt (as in Whitman)! Good reminders here! K.
Anonymous said…
Very empowering! I have the urge to 'Occupy' something. =D
hedgewitch said…
You know I love it when you get all foamy and carried away, Tash. Enthusiasm is what is so lacking everywhere today, except for the fanatics and the haters--why should they get all the enthusiasm? I say we all need to remember your words here--we as speakers between the real and unreal worlds of dream are needed now more than ever to stir the pot and keep it boiling.
Anonymous said…
Engaging in creating--and opening up for other to see...takes courage. Good thoughts you share, Tash.
lynne said…
Yes indeed.. create because then new ideas form and wel you know what happens next.. movement..

may be an older piece(new to me) but the message is loud and clear and you would be the right one to lead the parade..

really enjoyed this!!!
Joseph Hesch said…
This feels like the Natasha I grew to love those months ago, gently pushing us to believe and excel, because she believed we could even before we did. And she still does.
Ann LeFlore said…
Your closing stanza is amazing and yes I think you are so right we are the miracle we have been waiting for it is or has always been inside of us if only we would take the time to look deep within.
mrs mediocrity said…
hear, hear! this is what i have been feeling lately... that it's time for us all to stand up and be heard. complacency has no place in our government these days. nice!
Anonymous said…
powerful and inspiration.
Unknown said…
Thanks for the round of inspiration. This writing road has many ups and downs sometimes. Write on! And, I will, too :)
A wonderful series of affirmations-- these days I'm all about the reclamation of one's personal power-- so much in our world wants to strip it from us. xxxxj
Anonymous said…
...and the marble said to the sculptor "free me" and Natasha says to the poet "free yourself, speak!" And we do! A most inspiring piece, here, Nathasha. We soar, we let loose with our imagination. Yes! Thank you!
Anonymous said…
A great empowering call, really enjoyed this, cool energy...
Steve King said…

A great anthem. We all need to become a little more self conscious of what it is we're (trying) to do--and why. This is an uplifting cheer!
Brendan said…
I'm all for proving, at long last, that the pen is mightier than the credit default swap. Great job, Tash - Brendan
kaykuala said…
Power to the poets, power on! I like this. Poets and poetry tended to be romantics that others conceive as good punching bags.

Laurie Kolp said…
I envision an orator belting out a powerful, motivational speech. Well done!
steveroni said…
Your attitude and outlook on life shows through this write as vibrant and healthy!

And you do it with enthusiasm, which cannot help but rub off on all who read here. Thank YOU!

James Rainsford said…
"You are, within yourself
The miracle you have been waiting for."
I never doubted it for a single moment.;-)
Thanks for sharing your miracle Natasha. Love bathing in the illumination of your language.
Anonymous said…
"you are divinity manifested"

wonderful! ♥

Power be to those who create! Its amazing what we can do with the art we create. Like you Natasha who with your words create a beautiful feeling inside your reader. No matter what never let the creator in you die.
Glynn said…
This is defiance and exhortation, both arising from passion. Well done, Natasha.
Unknown said…
A beautiful call for creative and community revolution, lovely to share it again ~ Rose
Anonymous said…
Every movement needs its anthems, its battle cries. Loved the energy, the bombast and conviction. Rawr!
Randy Behavior said…
I'm not sure who it is we are rising against, perhaps that part is political, but I love the spiritual part of this piece. I guess I'm more of a walk quietly and carry a big smile kinda girl. Don't mind someone shouting for me though.
Blessed Be and Amen to that!

And one creator/poet has taken up the charge in a big way. The new president of Ireland is politician and a poet. He says oh his beloved Ireland and its people: 'We leave behind a narrow individualism that valued the person for what was assumed to be their accumulated wealth but neglected the connection between the person, the social, the community and the nation."

Read more:

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