BLUSH! Poetics with dVersePoets

All I'm going to say, is if you want to know what's up, and what has inspired this write, then you must visit the Poetics party at dVersePoets.  Sheila Moore has brought along Kellie Elmore, and they have presented us a daring prompt indeed...and that's all I'm saying! It's rather Taboo.

Death to the Lady

Have you ever been thrown on
the hood of a Firebird in a
hot July rain?

Have you ever moved your hips
as Freebird resonates
through the back parking lot

of a small town watering hole
where everybody knows your name
think they know your game but

wouldn't they be shocked to see
you here on this car with me, my
skirt riding high, your hands

riding higher, you never
told me you could dance like this
My mama never told me

I could feel like this, because a lady
never does...but we both know
the lady drowned

in a secret bottle of Absolute
and now buttons popped with
you on top, I cry don't stop

...and bid her a fond farewell

Okay...I tried! Dare you to tackle the prompt of Taboo....hit the pub Now! Seems there might be more than Poetry in motion over at dVerse


Pat Hatt said…
hahaha oh that was a fun read
No blushing needed at your feed
Okay maybe a little bit
As you took your taboo hit
Fabulous! Love to see you give us the lowdown in this way. xxxj
hedgewitch said…
Ah, the memories. If I brought up some for you, you have definitely returned the favor--only mine are much more pleasant, I think. This is a very good poem, Natasha--as tight as the narrator after all that Absolut. ;_)
Brian Miller said…
coldshower...coldshower...icantevengetmy spacebar to work...haha...smoking tash...while we are blushing i got busted at park n ride once in high school...i gotta say....FREEBIRD! my lighter isup tash...ha
tinkwelborn said…
ahh! young love.
as my age, I'd pay a lady to throw me on the hood of a firebird!!
this was a fun read....reminded me of the vivacity of youth in passion.
I'm thinking of Cat on a Hot Tin Roof here.
Great lines used in catching and moving with the music of heat.
I like this poem...thank you for writing & sharing it.
Oh broke a few taboos, too....but wasn't it grand!
theborgpoet said…
Was that you? :) Seriously a great write Tash. You and Hedge have create very visual pieces! Two thumbs up!
Beachanny said…
This singed and sang! Hot damn, honey. I think you broke through the curtain with this one. Well done!!
Scarlet said…
Very hot and steamy... i enjoyed this scintillating ride over the hood of Firebird...
Anonymous said…
You're blushing for the same reason I am but you hit it a bit more straight on than I did :). Well done you taboo buster. I won't tell on you if you don't tell on me.
Sheila said…
LOL - so that's why you like my photo, entitled "Freebird" - lol. Seriously hot and sexy write and just enough details to gives us the image but not enough to make your momma faint when she reads this (smiles)
Unknown said…
I love that you pushed yourself here. I tend to get nervous pushing the boundaries, too, but I don't know why. Sex is beautiful, and you made it fun here, too. Maybe we can all stomp on past those lines once and for all. Loved it!
Claudia said…
haha so good tash...the lady drowned
in a secret bottle of Absolute...enjoyed this dance...smiles
ayala said…
Hot and steamy !
lynne said…
Oh Mamma..the things you forgot to tell me..

(they were the good days huh? ha!)

You did awesome here..
Mary said…
This poem really captures the way it was or the way we wished it to be!
Unknown said…
LOL when we were young the things we'd like undone thought this was great made me smile thanks for sharing x
Unknown said…
Tash, what you described should never be considered taboo-ever:) Great read, love the scenes and the way you described them with such a great flow and although vivid, you used a subtle flair, which I find is so much better than simply spelling out every step-allowing the imagination to fill in the unpainted sections. Great job here, great read, thanks
Anonymous said…
Great read ... images ... now church:)
Arron Shilling said…
"A secret bottle of absolute" - a line worth getting out of bed for - made my toes curl with poetic pleasure

and yes I have been thrown over a hood or two!

Never a firerbird though maybe a mini (how English)

nice job Tash
Daydreamertoo said…
Oooo naughty lady! but what fun!
Bryan K. Pounds said…
Natasha I'm not sure if you intended it or not, but obvioulsy the vodka Absolut is sans the "e" and since you used it, I loved the duality of that line. Gave me a smirk out loud, if you will. Fun read, lady.

Anonymous said…
Love this--blushing and all!
Very well written. Another smokin' write.
This read very well and smooth. Fast.
The Silver Fox said…


I need a cigarette.
Fireblossom said…
Well, I never!

Okay, so maybe once. Don't push it!

S.M. Abeles said…
Sensational. Love this Tash.
The Silver Fox said…
Okay, Tasha, you inspired me enough to give it a shot. Check it out...
Timoteo said…
Uh oh...I think I'm supposed to seek medical help if this thing lasts more than four hours...
Anonymous said…
"buttons popped with you on top" Wooo! Spicy, and unlike you, I'm not blushing, haha. So nice to see this different side, the taboo of wanton sexuality expressed so playfully, deliciously.
Anonymous said…
goods like you have fun writing this piece...
Hope said…
i'd say you got your point across! :) masterly crafted.
The Silver Fox said…
Re: Hope's comment... Yeah, I'll say you got your point across! And I'm sure you raised a few... errr... points among your readers, too!

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