FormForAll ~dVersePoets~Haiku

The Wheel of the Maritimes

Change, cycles emerge
rhyme and reason know no place
 the mighty sea reigns

From the white blanket
worn so land may find slumber
recharging, fertile

when rains of April
awakens earth to planting
greenery takes hold

until dry, barren
heat of the highest sun bakes
seeds planted erupt

Shorter days harvest
summers sustenance is held
survival blanket

Today Gay (aka @beachanny) is treating us to the form of Haiku & Senryu over at the dVersePub.  Come and play poet with us won't you, as we take a look at Japanese poetry.  I have choosen to present my own in the 5.7.5 syllable count of Senryu...and if you want to know more, you'll have to talk to Gay! ;) 


Claudia said…
ah you took us through all seasons the survival blanket...made me smile...
Anonymous said…
I like what you did here, taking haiku and making them into stanzas.

i like the long paragraph, how it moves, and i like that there are no periods.
Steve King said…
A nice recounting of the seasonal turn. Great discipline in keeping to the form. It sounds a lot like upstate New York, without benefit of the sea, of course. We're lucky to have such wonderful places for inspiration.
I think the last three, and particularly the last one, are more haiku than senryu. The last one could stand alone.
Anonymous said…
Outstanding imagery and well crafted. Love love love it.

Anonymous said…
I am particularly impressed with your diction here and the deep engagement with place. I am new to haiku writing and am certainly enjoying reading today.
hedgewitch said…
I tend to look more for content than form with haiku because I have never grasped the concepts of it, so I'm no judge, but I like the feeling these give of the sheer size of nature and her works--something that always resonates with me--as well as the way the lines march with purpose. A pleasure to read, Tash.
lovely sets.

your words leave traces for us to follow.

Brian Miller said…
nice close...i like the survival blanket at the end...think we can convince the seasons to slow down right now? i love fall.
Beachanny said…
Rosemary is correct about the last three lines - they could and would stand alone as a powerful haiku. I love writing these 5/7/5 as stanzas. And as I did in my sestina, you took the form (gave us pretty much two images in each) and let it flow through the poem as days through a year showing us that special wateriness of the Maritimes especially Nova Scotia. It's a really fine poem.
Unknown said…
Tash- very nice. Love this form- I'll probably jump on board tomorrows- little pressed for time today-got a late start- but I love Haikus/Senryu's that are joined to form a united work, especially those that build as each set is stacked upon the previous- you did a great job doing that as well- thanks
Joseph Hesch said…
Sweet Valentines to your beloved Maritimes, Tasha! No way I'd miss tonight. And your lovely words.
Anonymous said…
I especially enjoyed the "white blanket" verse.
Ginny Brannan said…
Beautiful, Natasha! I love how you posted together to tell a story.
Reflections said…
Ok... now this would be haikai, right? Still a seasonal element, yet progressing with several verse to combine - longer yet still relational.

Stunning imagery carried throughout, peaceful to each season, yet prolific by their combination.
Uneven Stephen said…
I really like this, the multiple haikus really work well together. I especially like "survival blanket". Great job Natasha!
Scarlet said…
Nice season themed haiku set.. specially survival blanket.

My share is here:
Anonymous said…
Interesting how we as human are so drawn to patterns, to cycles. Here the seasons are presented so sharply, easily felt and understood. The seeds erupting, life surging through all this, just lovely.
tinkwelborn said…
wow! you went through a whole cycle...squeezed the four seasons into five stanzas! Nice Haiku! Thank you.
Padmavani said…
I love how the stanzas stand on their own as haikus, and then as a song to the seasons.

kaykuala said…
A medley of haiku. They are mesmerizing!

seasideauthor said…
"mighty" verses here, the cold is coming.
Well written, and they all stand.
JANU said…
You have painted the seasons....wonderful.
libithina said…
a lovely collection Tash ~ beautiful ~ Lib
Unknown said…
Great imagery that describes an eternal cycle. Very nice work. =)

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