Suicide Watch

They expect me to be wallowing
broken and battered
blaming myself for life not having met with my expectations
They have never once questioned what those expectations were,
so, if we're being truthful, it's their own expectations for me
that gives cause for concern.

It's suicide watch on the down-low
Assumptions made based on my latest, random doodle
Ink blot mentality leaves little room for my voice
not that they'd listen anyway
They know best...they always have.

The lack of tears, of course, means there is misdirected fault
No skin off my back
I've been apologizing for the last thirty years
Accepting of the blame
in hopes of shutting them up.

Every dream I have ever sacrificed in my sick and twisted hunt for approval
Lies weighted at my feet in a mockery of ball and chain
Shackles I no longer accept responsibility for
finally finding the courage to beg release.

Would they feel better, I wonder
If I were to take this blade
and prove my addiction to attention

Just a sliver, not too deep
enough for them to feel needed, important, right
Take my medicine
cry like I'm supposed to
and never once tell them
I'm not scared anymore.

We're debuting TONY over at the pub today for OpenLinkNight...AKA @RadBeliever is no doubt polishing virtual glasses as we speak. Be sure to visit dVersePoets and give him a big, poetic, welcome. Linking up at 3pmEST


Brian Miller said…
It's suicide watch on the down-low...dang that line caught me...there is a lot of strength in your voice regardless your allusions to suicide....the small cut to prove your strength though can just as assuredly be fatal...the mockery of ball and chain is a loaded statement as well...know you have nothing to prove rock...smiles...
Susan Daniels said…
Tash--this is so strong. Love how you wrapped this up. Your poetry always stuns me with its beauty and power.
Anonymous said…
There is so much raw pain in this Tash - your voice comes through loud and clear, and people should listen more and assume less.

Got those virtual glasses lined up and ready to go :-)
Claudia said…
tkilling the part in us the others don't wanna see, the part that doesn't meet their expectations, however blurry they are..and yeah..we shouldn't.. and we don't need to apologize for who we are.. write on poet and don't let it die in you...
dreamer said…
Very powerful write :)
scotthastiepoet said…
Terrific finish here, Natasha - in the finale from "would they feel better" you perform a really skilful autopsy on misplaced compassion - Great! Respect to you.. Scott
suicide watch on the down-low ... damn that poem had me catching my breath. Powerful stuff.
Tawnya Smith said…
My line for eye-catching was the apologizing for 30 years. I've only been at that for 24, but found this year that was more than long enough. Great and powerful writing. I love the sure strength in the voice, so at odds with the title. Very nice.
Glenn Buttkus said…
You punch me in the gut, hug me, and touch my heart at the same time, Nat, for a poet is who and what you are, and hordes of us are damned glad of it!
Anonymous said…
Your writing excels at driving my mind wild with intensity and powerful lingering meaning ♥
Unknown said…
"They expect me to be wallowing
broken and battered
blaming myself for life not having met with my expectations
They have never once questioned what those expectations were,
so, if we're being truthful, it's their own expectations for me
that gives cause for concern."

This struck a chord with me. People like to project their idea of success on us all the time. I don't quite understand why. I suppose it's a vicarious desire to succeed through you, and on the other spectrum, to tear you down for their own disappointment in themselves.

"It's suicide watch on the down-low
Assumptions made based on my latest, random doodle
Ink blot mentality leaves little room for my voice
not that they'd listen anyway
They know best...they always have."

I've had talks with another poet Anna Montgomery about this. How people immediately assume that what you have written has to be about yourself. I suppose because poetry for one, is such a personal art. Most people assume you are the subject in the poem, or rather the voice is yours. Not a voice conjured from a creative mind to unveil a perspective. Trying on someone's shoes, become another person, for the sake of art, and understanding.

This is a beautiful and sad poem Tashtoo. Wonderfully written. A topic I think everyone can relate to at least to some extent.

Thank you for sharing this with us.
Alex Dissing said…
I like how this touched on living up to other's expectations. Living life for someone else is never a good idea. Powerful prose, Tash.
Ken Higginson said…
Powerful writing. Great style. This type of edgy voice would do well in a novel. So what are your expectations?
Dana Dampier said…
There are always those who will believe what they want to believe about us and our life... who think what's best for us is different than our own.
Ann LeFlore said…
Very powerful writing. Suicide watch this one is scary and brings a lot of attention to people. I had one nephew commit sucide over his girl friend going in the kitchen to help cook dinner and not staying there to talk with him. Very strange and nobody really ever thought of this one from him. He was just 22 and wanted his girl friend to go on a walk and not go cook dinner. So sad. Here is my entry for this week.
Other Mary said…
Powerful piece. Love S2:
'It's suicide watch on the down-low
Assumptions made based on my latest, random doodle
Ink blot mentality leaves little room for my voice
not that they'd listen anyway
They know best...they always have.'

and, 'Every dream I have ever sacrificed in my sick and twisted hunt for approval
Lies weighted at my feet in a mockery of ball and chain'

And what a killer ending!
Anonymous said…
It be dark, let me light a candle. Very powerful words, very truthful sounding, honest words, spoken calmly. This brings me to a bad place because my sister committed suicide not long after our mother's death. She felt nobody ever heard her, felt her, just moved her and me back to Europe. I am listening to you,or this character, or what these words represent because their tone is so frightning real. This is a very good write, a poem, and hopefully just an observation. In fact it rides on the heals of my offering this week, but not as powerful.
Unknown said…
I can always count on true intensity when I visit your blog and tonight was no exception. Your words are so strong. Stay awesome Natasha, you have nothing to prove.
An agonizing piece. So full of apparently unresolved anger, and a mutually self-defeating dynamic of codependency all around. The temptation to fein a suicide attempt to give them what they want was particularly startling to me. So close to the bone with this one!
Unknown said…
I relate to this piece so much. You're touching some really deep emotions here, I salute that
Anonymous said…
Bam! Pow!...suicide watch on the down-low,huh....intense, painful and raw...and memorable!
Anonymous said…
I meant my poem was not as powerful written as yours. My line could be taken wrong way. Sincere apologies if it sounded brash. I just did not write it proper.
Anonymous said…
Wow, Tash. I felt this with you...I know that feeling so well, as, I'm sure, many of us do.
Ginny Brannan said…
", if we're being truthful, it's their own expectations for me
that gives cause for concern."

How sad the person that feels they must live up to the expectations of others. Sadder still the people that impose their disapproval on that person, that lay on the guilt and make them feel like they can never be "good enough." Really powerful stuff here, Natasha. Well penned.
mrs mediocrity said…
Powerful and intense... Expectations can be so hard...don't let them bring you's so much better to spill words onto the page.
Anonymous said…
Such powerful emotions in this that resonate strongly... it's like I got lost in the feelings of it all... an amazing poem.
lucychili said…
you need to keep better company =)
but i know the company youre keeping.
it is hard to diverge from expectations. health is too problem focused. sometimes we need to let them know we are cranky, contrary, ok =).
Wander said…
Very good poem tash:-)
Anonymous said…
Very intense and the story of many, and a piece of mine. A few lines stood boldly and tauntingly before me. I would say to this soul come find your sweet rest in the unchanging arms and bossom of Truth and Love, that is the Christ #tried and proven#
vivinfrance said…
Spine-chilling. I hate the anonymous "they". I'll listen to you any time.
Stan Ski said…
Too many Do-gooders doing no good at all...!
aka_andrea said…
So powerful as you know that you can elicit response based on action but seem to be choosing not to do so. People are so easily fooled by what they think they see and completely blind to what is really there. I love this!
Susie Clevenger said…
Love that title...this is so powerful. I can't seem to put all the words together to say how this impacts me. You have flown above and beyond anyone's expectations. Keep speaking!!
The dark humor underscores the seriousness of this. I liked this very much, strong and dark, like all good mysteries.
Ellecee said…
Your poem strikes a nerve, powerful and potent,,,
Beth Winter said…
So much strength. Wow
hyperCRYPTICal said…
Powerful and accurate write Natasha.

The assumption made by some/many professionals that they know the patient best hinders/destroys any chance of actual care.

Some/many professionals never really listen rather tell the patient how THEY think they are progressing and so it goes on and on and on.

Sorry this is a bit rambling - half asleep.

Anna :o]
Linda Rogers said…
This powerful piece gave me goosebumps. You make a clear point about how people can make big assumptions~mostly because of their own demons, hopes and desires. Great title and a powerful ending.

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