Round Two

I gave too much
My classic blunder
Leading to judgement
Sketchy communication at best. 

All me all the time is too much for anybody
Especially when my lack of colour is revealed 
A one sided story
Doesn't leave much room for error.
If they're not sharing secrets
Why am I? 

Left to my own devices for far too long
Mistakes were just waiting to be made
Tired of the voices in my head
I willingly sacrificed my sanity
Almost my heart

But you were too quick to put a stop to that
My first lesson
There is no room for hearts here.

Now we continue with charade
Pretending it doesn't matter
That we have the strength to do this.

I'm sorry.
I'm a girl that hurts too easy
Takes offence
As a defence

As for silent treatments
And passive aggressive manipulation
I know those tricks too.

And I've saved the best for you.



A point of inquiry. What is the meaning of this line of verse "Especially when my lack of colour is revealed" in the second stanza? A beautiful line but I don't understand it's meaning contextually. Thanks, Natasha.
aka_andrea said…
Emmett~ I feel like there is a little twist in that stanza going from saying that she is tired of trying to be someone she is not but also that since no one else is being all that honest, she is not going to reveal her true self. Just my take...
I feel so much being revealed in exposing all that was given away and also that 'looking in the mirror moment' with the realization that in giving away so much, the heart becomes very hard~
" And I've saved the best for you."
That line most definitely carries more than the obvious meaning~

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